May’s quality feedback for IT Services staff

Every month we share a snapshot of some of the great feedback we receive from customers across the University about the fantastic customer service and support they receive from IT Services staff. Below are some of the comments provided by our customers in May and the team or individual who resolved the incident.   “Responses … Continue reading “May’s quality feedback for IT Services staff”

IT Security achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University

On 28 May, the IT Security team achieved Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University. The defined scope covers all centrally managed IT infrastructure and services, excluding only locally acquired and managed servers and end-points used by academics in colleges and BYOD devices. Cyber Essentials is a UK Government security standard based on five basic security … Continue reading “IT Security achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University”

ITS staff awarded bursaries

Congratulations to IT Services’ Head of Business Partnering, Tara Lamplough; Business Partner, Sam Harrow and Architecture Innovation Lead, Tim Packwood, who have all been successful in their applications for bursaries from the ucisa (Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association) bursary scheme. The aim of the bursary scheme is to give ucisa members the opportunity to … Continue reading “ITS staff awarded bursaries”

IT Services staff gain new qualifications

A huge well done to Data Centre Manager, Stuart Atkins, who is now a Certified Data Centre Energy Professional. The qualification, which is accredited by CNet, is the equivalent of a BTEC Level 5 or two years of a Bachelor Degree. Stuart intends to use his newly gained knowledge to review the power train of … Continue reading “IT Services staff gain new qualifications”

What you said and what we’ll do

In April, we invited you to participate in the first annual IT Services Staff Survey. By the time the survey closed on Friday 19 April, 209 colleagues had taken the opportunity to have a say about what we do and how we do it. Thank you to everyone who did. In recent weeks, the IT … Continue reading “What you said and what we’ll do”

Collaborative working and transferring knowledge

The process of handing over knowledge between Core Systems developers and analysts in Application Operations has begun over in the ERI Building. Simon Aykroyd, Paul Browning, Riyaz Bandali and Chris Cooper (pictured) are transitioning back into their respective roles in Development and App Ops; their hard work on the Core Systems project over the last … Continue reading “Collaborative working and transferring knowledge”

Core Systems – common queries and responses

Here are some of the latest common queries and responses that have been sent to the Core Systems support team. Queries and responses are also being regularly added to the intranet FAQ pages. Q. How do I access Core Systems? As they are web-based systems; staff will be able to access new HR, Finance, Payroll, … Continue reading “Core Systems – common queries and responses”

Birmingham 2026 Values: Have your say

Birmingham Professional is being re-imagined in the context of Birmingham 2026. The plan is to develop a statement of intent for all Professional Services colleagues about our people and our culture, where we want to get to, how we support each other to get there, and how we recognise positive behaviours in line with our … Continue reading “Birmingham 2026 Values: Have your say”

Help shape our strategy

At the last IT Services All Staff Briefing, Mark introduced you to the work that’s happening developing the IT Services Digital Strategic Framework. The IT, or Digital Strategy will help us ensure that we are supporting delivery of the University’s overarching vision, Birmingham 2026. Since the last All Staff Brief, Mark has presented the University’s … Continue reading “Help shape our strategy”