Combatting capacity concerns

Across IT, we’re working hard to address work capacity concerns. In teams where we have historical work data, we are having greater success forward planning, preventing over allocation.    We’re beginning to understand the actual level of work required by Core Systems as we transition to business as usual. This makes it more important than … Continue reading “Combatting capacity concerns”

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Digital exams and the technology behind it

This is one of a series of articles written after the EUNIS 2019 conference, which Sam Harrow attended through the ucisa Bursary Scheme. One of the elective sessions on Day 2 of EUNIS 2019 was an opportunity to visit the intriguingly-titled “Exam Factory” at our host, NTNU (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Knowing … Continue reading “Digital exams and the technology behind it”

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IT Security achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University

On 28 May, the IT Security team achieved Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University. The defined scope covers all centrally managed IT infrastructure and services, excluding only locally acquired and managed servers and end-points used by academics in colleges and BYOD devices. Cyber Essentials is a UK Government security standard based on five basic security … Continue reading “IT Security achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation for the University”

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ITS staff awarded bursaries

Congratulations to IT Services’ Head of Business Partnering, Tara Lamplough; Business Partner, Sam Harrow and Architecture Innovation Lead, Tim Packwood, who have all been successful in their applications for bursaries from the ucisa (Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association) bursary scheme. The aim of the bursary scheme is to give ucisa members the opportunity to … Continue reading “ITS staff awarded bursaries”

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Collaborative working and transferring knowledge

The process of handing over knowledge between Core Systems developers and analysts in Application Operations has begun over in the ERI Building. Simon Aykroyd, Paul Browning, Riyaz Bandali and Chris Cooper (pictured) are transitioning back into their respective roles in Development and App Ops; their hard work on the Core Systems project over the last … Continue reading “Collaborative working and transferring knowledge”

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