My elective experience by Rachel Daly, 5th year MBChB

For my elective I went to Auckland, New Zealand. I had always wished to visit New Zealand and wanted to learn more about healthcare for their indigenous Māori population and Pacific Islander populations. I am interested in endocrinology and knew these populations had high rates of diabetes and obesity, so I was interested in how … Continue reading “My elective experience by Rachel Daly, 5th year MBChB”

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To firm or not to firm? by Beth

So, you’ve sent off your UCAS applications and the wait begins before you start receiving invitations for interview (if applicable) and offers from the universities you’ve applied to. The decision can seem very daunting to some, or exciting to others as you make the choice about where you’ll be living and studying for the next … Continue reading “To firm or not to firm? by Beth”

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Université de tours, France: My Summer Placement Abroad by Hannah Evans

From the start of second year, our head of year and other lecturers drilled it into our heads that having a summer placement in second year was invaluable for our CV. Gaining extra experience, apart from our research project in year 3, would truly give us the edge. I first thought about contacting lecturers to see … Continue reading “Université de tours, France: My Summer Placement Abroad by Hannah Evans”

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