The latest edition of Society for Endocrinology‘s ‘The Endocrinology’ is out now. This summer the magazine has a focus on early career researchers and two of our very own researchers from IMSR have contributed feature articles.
Dr Vasileios Chortis talks about his postdoc experience in the USA where he joined Dr David Breault’s lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, training in preclinical in vivo models of adrenal development and tumourigenesis. He has recently returned to Birmingham and started work as an Associate Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham and as a Consultant Endocrinologist at University Hospitals Birmingham.
My experience was overwhelmingly positive. I worked in a very supportive environment that provided high quality training, excellent mentorship, and freedom to explore my research interests and ideas. I certainly feel I have grown a lot in experience and confidence as a clinician scientist as a result of my time in Boston. I have built strong collaborative links that I hope to maintain throughout my career, both at Harvard and with other centres in the USA.
Meanwhile Dr Caroline Gillett has written a piece about public engagement and patient and public involvement, explaining the difference between the two and providing some tips for getting started.
“The idea that our audience might have something useful to add only really becomes ‘controversial’ for some people when the attendees that we are talking about are non-academic members of the public. For the most part, the public make helpful comments or ask questions driven by genuine interest and curiosity. This experience can itself be re-invigorating for researchers, who are ‘reminded’ of how what they do stimulates excitement and hope for others.”

You can read both articles in full by click the links: