IMSR researchers feature in The Endocrinologist

The latest edition of Society for Endocrinology‘s ‘The Endocrinology’ is out now. This summer the magazine has a focus on early career researchers and two of our very own researchers from IMSR have contributed feature articles. Dr Vasileios Chortis talks about his postdoc experience in the USA where he joined Dr David Breault’s lab at … Continue reading “IMSR researchers feature in The Endocrinologist”

Congrats to our public engagement winners!

Well done to all PGR/ECRs who took part in the recent public engagement “Dragon’s Den” workshop. Three interdisciplinary teams collaborated to design new public engagement activities from scratch to explain techniques from real research. These had to be suitable for a young audience of children under 10 and their families to understand. These ideas were … Continue reading “Congrats to our public engagement winners!”

Public Engagement “Dragon’s Den” this May 3rd: Calling all MDS PGRs & ECRs!

Join us on Friday 3rd May (1-4pm, IBR seminar room) for a training workshop with a twist! Have fun with peers whilst developing practical experience relevant to grant application and impact activities. Skills such as: The winning team will also win £500 funding to turn their public engagement ideas into reality!  You don’t need to be in a … Continue reading “Public Engagement “Dragon’s Den” this May 3rd: Calling all MDS PGRs & ECRs!”

Another ‘Pituitary Open Morning’ success!

IMSR researcher Professor Niki Karavitaki lead coordination of another successful patient engagement event in partnership with endocrine research nurses and other clinician colleagues at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Together, the Birmingham Pituitary team gave a series of short presentations and interactive discussions on pituitary conditions, sharing the latest research findings and discussing the pituitary service. … Continue reading “Another ‘Pituitary Open Morning’ success!”

Happy New Year from the IMSR

As 2024 begins, we are excited for another year of exciting involvement and engagement opportunities! We have lots of ways for you to engage with our activities, for example: Get involved with research through a patient and public involvement group such as The Hildas, who support our research on women’s health or AMIGO, who cover … Continue reading “Happy New Year from the IMSR”

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BRC Womens Metabolic Health – TikTok Dissemination Training

The Women’s Metabolic Health theme of the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) in Birmingham recently hosted a patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) training event on December 8th. The session was open to all and present were members of The Hildas, a PPIE group focused on women’s health, who had been attending a meeting earlier … Continue reading “BRC Womens Metabolic Health – TikTok Dissemination Training”

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PGRs and ECRs get crafty at clay workshop

AUTHOR OF THIS POST: Rahatil Chowdhury Last week, PGRs and ECRs from across the institutes came together and took part in creating fantastic pieces at a clay workshop run by Rachel Akers and organised by Dr. Gabriela Da Silva Xavier.       Images taken by Dr Christian Ludwig. The workshop was both the setting for PGRS and … Continue reading “PGRs and ECRs get crafty at clay workshop”

Society for Endocrinology Public Engagement Award

Dr Caroline Gillett has been successfully awarded a Society for Endocrinology grant of £1000 to support the Institute of Metabolism & Systems Research’s public engagement work. Working with her colleagues in the Community Action Team the funding will enable the volunteer team to carry out activities targeting young children under 12 and their families. Exploring … Continue reading “Society for Endocrinology Public Engagement Award”

Researchers & families of neurodivergent children share experiences

Supported through the Waterloo Foundation, SMQB researcher Dr Leandro Junges and collaborators in the CHBH (Professor Andy Bagshaw and Dr Caroline Richards) took part in a patient and public involvement discussion with families and carers responsible for children with epilepsy, ADHD and/or autism. The team shared their research to date and gathered impressions and feedback … Continue reading “Researchers & families of neurodivergent children share experiences”

Does your child have epilepsy, autism or ADHD?

Researchers at University of Birmingham are organising an event next Friday 28th April between 1-4pm in Birmingham city centre. They are interested in sharing some of their research related to epilepsy, autism and ADHD; to gather feedback/questions; and also to learn more about the lived experiences and priorities of families with a child who has one or more of these … Continue reading “Does your child have epilepsy, autism or ADHD?”