In September 2019, we launched our BEAR Champion scheme to help spread the word about BEAR services with our 3 founding members and have now expanded to 9 over all 5 colleges – see our list of BEAR Champions. Our current BEAR Champions have found the scheme to be beneficial to themselves, their research and group/area:
“Being a BEAR champion has been a really valuable experience. You get to talk directly to IT Services staff about one of their most critical systems, you learn about what researchers are doing across the University and crucially what colleagues in your own College are working on.”
We aim to keep reaching new areas of the University, so are looking for new BEAR Champions in Schools not already covered by an existing Champion. Have you found BEAR services that have helped you in your research? Do you want to help others get access to the secure storage and fast data processing available? Have the BEAR software team helped you to write code? Do you know people who haven’t heard of us?
Who can become a BEAR Champion?
- Either a researcher/research student at UoB who uses a BEAR service on a regular basis or
- UoB staff who support research and use a BEAR service on a regular basis
- You need to be passionate about the service you use
- You need to be able to communicate widely within your School and/or College so that you reach peers outside of your research group
What will be expected of me?
- BEAR Champions will promote BEAR services by networking with peers in their area and spreading the word about how using BEAR has benefited their research
- BEAR Champions will gather feedback about any problems or suggestions for improvements in their School/Institute/College
- BEAR Champions will meet monthly as a group to discuss progress, achievements and any issues
What will I get out of it?
- Priority access to BEAR training courses including BEAR Carpentries and new upcoming courses
- Be the first to know about new services and have your input into their development
- Access to a researcher peer network with regular BEAR Champion meet-ups
- Boost your CV with transferable skills to support your career progression both within and outside academia
- Become more visible by having your profile added to the BEAR Champion webpages
- A BEAR Champion laptop rucksack, t-shirt and pin badge
- An induction including a tour of our innovative Data Centre

How to apply
If you’re interested, please fill in our application form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.