We are excited to announce that researchers who use our advanced computing facilities have been recognised as award winners in the HPCwire 2021 awards! Advanced Research Computing is very proud to provide the BEAR computing facilities to support life changing research at the University, which has again been internationally recognised in these highly competitive, global … Continue reading “HPCwire 2021 award winners!”
Author: Simon Thompson
Stabilising BEAR
Over the past few months we’ve had a number of service issues with BEAR and this is something we’d really like to apologise for – we pride ourselves on providing excellent services and recently we’ve not lived up to that. Sorry about this! 🙇🏻 I thought I’d take some time to explain some of the issues … Continue reading “Stabilising BEAR”
Deploying the largest IBM POWER9 AI cluster in the UK!
Researchers at the University of Birmingham are set to benefit from the largest IBM® POWER9™ Artificial Intelligence (AI) cluster in the UK, delivering unprecedented performance for AI workloads. Working with OCF, the high-performance compute, storage and data analytics integrator, the University will integrate a total of 11 IBM POWER9 systems into its existing high-performance computing … Continue reading “Deploying the largest IBM POWER9 AI cluster in the UK!”
HPCwire award winners!
We’re really pleased to announce that again in 2018, University of Birmingham has won an HPCwire Readers’ Choice Award, this year for Best Use of HPC in Manufacturing! Each year the Advanced Research Computing team put in a number of nominations for these prestigious awards to help showcase the research using BEAR and HPC services … Continue reading “HPCwire award winners!”
Data centre progress
We posted a little while ago about the data centre being built to support research computing and storage systems, well since November this site has come on massively! First, the bad news, due to the snow and poor weather in December and early January, the project is a little behind schedule so we have pushed … Continue reading “Data centre progress”
Award winning projects!
We’re here to help support researchers at Birmingham and we’re really proud to have been supporting the CLIMB project over the past few years. This year, the MRC-funded Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics (CLIMB) has been recognised in the annual international HPCWire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards, announced at the SuperComputing 2017 conference in Denver. The … Continue reading “Award winning projects!”
Building for the future …
As the number and size of the services provided by Research Computing has grown over the past 5 years, we’ve steadily put pressure on the University’s data centres. The power consumption of CPUs have risen as servers are packed with more and more cores and, at the same time, driven by the demands of research, … Continue reading “Building for the future …”
Storage Growing Pains
As users of some of our services will probably know, we’ve been having issues with our storage services on and off for a while now. Firstly, we have never lost any user data during this and mostly for users it has manifested itself as slow access at times. At times there has been no access, … Continue reading “Storage Growing Pains”