Join our BEAR Champions team

In September 2019, we launched our BEAR Champion scheme to help spread the word about BEAR services with our 3 founding members and have now expanded to 9 over all 5 colleges – see our list of BEAR Champions. Our current BEAR Champions have found the scheme to be beneficial to themselves, their research and … Continue reading “Join our BEAR Champions team”

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Two Senior Research Software Engineer vacancies in ARC

Advanced Research Computing (ARC), at the University of Birmingham, is seeking to appoint two Senior Research Software Engineers, one permanent and one fixed term (3 years). ARC is a well-respected, award winning team with a national and international profile. Permanent Senior Research Software Engineer (RSE) – working on a wide variety of projects, supporting research … Continue reading “Two Senior Research Software Engineer vacancies in ARC”

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Syncing issues with working offline on the Research Data Store

We have had reports of researchers making their Research Data Store (RDS) files available offline (in Windows), which then results in problems for other researchers on the project as the data is not always synchronised properly between users. To prevent problems with data syncing, please ensure that you do not set your RDS to be … Continue reading “Syncing issues with working offline on the Research Data Store”

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Data Tree – comprehensive data management training for free!

Back in July 2018, I attended an introductory event to the Data Tree data management course developed by NERC, which provides free online training for PhD students and early career researchers in the environmental sciences. I was previously a researcher in life sciences but now advise all disciplines in data management, so I was interested … Continue reading “Data Tree – comprehensive data management training for free!”

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Bear spotting in Dublin at the IDCC20

I was very grateful to make it to the 15th International Digital Curation Conference in Dublin from 17th-19th February, ahead of the current lockdown. A truly international spread of 300 researchers, Research Data Managers, specialist Librarians, Archivists and IT Specialists (see the Conference Twitter picture here) came together to discuss collective curation of data and … Continue reading “Bear spotting in Dublin at the IDCC20”

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Using VR, AR and data visualisation in research

It was another sell-out crowd for our 5th Digital Research Conversation, held on 10th September, where our five speakers discussed Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and data visualisation. Augmented Reality is where a real-world environment is enhanced with computer-generated information such as digital images, projections and holograms eg. Pokemon GO. Virtual Reality is where … Continue reading “Using VR, AR and data visualisation in research”

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Popular discussion topics for researchers

The Digital Research Conversations (DRC) are a series of sessions where we encourage researchers from across the University of Birmingham to come together to discuss topics around data management. As we start planning the sixth DRC, I’ve been looking back at past DRC’s to assess the most popular topics and whether we could update on … Continue reading “Popular discussion topics for researchers”

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