The Cultural Calendar Blog would be nothing without its student contributions and because of this, the project team have decided to run a competition for bloggers. The premise of this competition is pretty simple: every blog post will be entered in to a draw each semester for the chance to win a cultural prize in the Birmingham area. If there is a prize you think would be particularly representative of the Cultural Calendar project, and that people would quite enjoy, please don’t hesitate to contact the Calendar Administrator at:
We plan to do several draws from blog posts at the end of each semester, and a big prize draw at the end of the year. Every blog post will be entered in to the prize draw at the end of the year, and blog posts from each semester will be entered in to the semester draw.
Fancy writing about Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Halloween, US Thanksgiving, Black History Month, or Hanukkah, now’s your chance! For some idea of what the Cultural Calendar Blog is looking for, we recommend checking out our previous post on the Double Ninth Festival before submitting.
To enter this competition all you need to do is be featured on our blog. So get writing!
If you want more information please contact us by commenting on the blog, sending an email to the above address, or by messaging our Facebook and Instagram pages.
The Cultural Calendar Team