Opportunity to join IT support team in Centre for Human Brain Health

The College of Life and Environmental Sciences looking for expressions of interest to join their IT Support Team in the Centre for Human Brain Health for a period of approx. 18 months at .5fte (AR6). A brief summary of just some of the duties is set out below; IT Desktop support for the CHBH:- To … Continue reading “Opportunity to join IT support team in Centre for Human Brain Health”

Get up to speed with using New Core

New Core goes live on Monday, 3 June. From day one all staff will be required to carry out some basic profile tasks like checking your personal information is correct and adding your annual leave etc. It is therefore, really important that you have the knowledge required to be able to access and use the … Continue reading “Get up to speed with using New Core”

April’s Quality Feedback for IT Services Staff

Every month we share a snapshot of some of the great feedback we receive from customers across the University about the fantastic customer service and support they receive from IT Services staff. Below are some of the comments provided by our customers in April and the team or individual who resolved the incident. “As always … Continue reading “April’s Quality Feedback for IT Services Staff”

Introducing the BSC Portfolio Group

The BSC Portfolio Group – previously known as the BSC Prioritisation Group – has been in place for over 12 months. Who is in the BSC Portfolio Group? The group is facilitated by the Project Office and Business Partnering. Senior Officers (or their delegates) from across the University and the College Directors of Operations (DoOps) … Continue reading “Introducing the BSC Portfolio Group”

IT Services Team Profiles

IT Services Communications have produced the first of a series of team profiles. The profiles provide snappy who, where, what and why information designed to help staff within IT Services get a better understanding of the structure and scope of each team within the department and what they do to support the University. Our aim … Continue reading “IT Services Team Profiles”

IT Services’ apprentice scheme

The University’s apprentice scheme is in its third year and has more than 50 apprentices in a range of roles across the University. The scheme is particularly successful in IT Services where it now forms an essential part of the fabric of our department. During the last three years we have taken on 18 apprentices, … Continue reading “IT Services’ apprentice scheme”

IT Services Digital Strategy

We are developing our Digital Strategy, which will support the changes needed to enable the University’s Strategic Vision, Birmingham 2026. Our current Technology Strategy was produced in 2010 and refreshed in 2016. Whilst it has delivered a number of significant advancements including a new data centre and effective service management, further strategic advancements have been … Continue reading “IT Services Digital Strategy”

Learning and Development within IT Services

Learning and Development is a subject that interests everyone and questions have been raised at both of the last two staff briefings. Based on those questions, I thought it would be worthwhile providing some more detail on the Learning and Development budget and how it is currently managed so that everyone is clear on the … Continue reading “Learning and Development within IT Services”