We’ve added another event to our line up of PCOS Awareness Month activities this September!
NO THANKS, AUNTY! has been organised by a group of women with PCOS who are involved in the DAISy-PCOS Leadership project, connected to Professor Wiebke Arlt’s Wellcome Trust funded research and public engagement programme.
Join members of the DAISy-PCOS leadership team for a light hearted discussion event which will explore what it feels like to manage PCOS symptoms whilst also navigating the attitudes and advice of others – who are not always so helpful! The event will have a focus on PCOS symptoms such as weight gain and excess facial hair, as well as the cultural experiences of women with South-Asian heritage. The event is however open to people of all backgrounds and it aims to be a safe space for sharing experiences and ways of coping.
The event is taking place on Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 at 6 pm GMT
Register now for No Thanks, Aunty! at tinyurl.com/w7vurme2