Happy 2023 from IMSR!

Happy New Year to all reading this! The IMSR will be planning more activities over the next year and we hope you’ll join us by attending or getting involved. Keep an eye on our Events page or get in touch if you have ideas for a collaboration you’d like to discuss! Wishing you a happy … Continue reading “Happy 2023 from IMSR!”

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IMSR Away Day

IMSR recently hosted it’s Away Day off campus with the vast majority of staff and students linked to IMSR attending and many giving presentations about their research and roles. This highlighted just how diverse and exciting the research within the institute is. Also invited to present was IMSR’s Community and Public Engagement Manager, Caroline Gillett, … Continue reading “IMSR Away Day”

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IMSR at CoCoMad 2022!

We are excited to be running science inspired public engagement activities at CoCoMad Community Festival this July. Research groups from the IMSR and SMQB will be running several family-friendly demos, games and hands-on activities at this year’s festival which tales place annually in Cotteridge Park. This is a large free to enter community festival with … Continue reading “IMSR at CoCoMad 2022!”

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New #SMQBair blog from artist Lucy Hutchinson!

The lastest SMBQ Artist in Residence (aka #SMQBair) blog has been published, this time from artist Lucy Hutchinson. Lucy works at the cross-section of art, science and technology to explore how visual practices and storytelling are used to shape the world. The outcomes of her work often take the form of prints, publications, installation, moving … Continue reading “New #SMQBair blog from artist Lucy Hutchinson!”

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