We welcomed a sell-out crowd to our fourth Digital Research Conversation on Tuesday 9th April, to discuss ‘Making Sense of your Data’. After some networking whilst munching on pizza and brownies, it was onto the talks and Nina Vyas from the Dental School introduced us to the use of machine learning for analysing microscopy images. … Continue reading “Making Sense of Your Data!”
Author: Stephanie Thompson
Is Open Data Possible in the Social Sciences?…And Other Tips for Data Sharing
On Wednesday 7th November, we held our third Digital Research Conversation on Data Sharing amid torrential rain. After some well-deserved pizza, it was onto the talks and Aslam Ghumra from our team Advanced Research Computing started us off describing how the Research Data Archive has changed to become the BEAR Archive. Where previously we provided … Continue reading “Is Open Data Possible in the Social Sciences?…And Other Tips for Data Sharing”
The launch of our new Research Data Centre
On 21st June 2018, the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) team celebrated the launch of our new Research Data Centre. As the first purpose built, water-cooled, research focussed UK Data Centre, Data Centre Managers and architects of HPC systems were keen to attend and find out more about this ambitious project. The day had a technical … Continue reading “The launch of our new Research Data Centre”
A wolf among Librarians in Barcelona
It has taken me a while to write this due to our team being in demand recently but back in February, I attended the International Digital Curation Conference held in Barcelona. I was there to present our poster (produced in collaboration with Library Services), on how we help our researchers manage their data and provide … Continue reading “A wolf among Librarians in Barcelona”
Data Security: A Hot Topic
On Wednesday 14th March we held the second in our series of Digital Research Conversations on Data Security. With the upcoming changes in Data Protection regulations (GDPR) in May on everyone’s minds, it seemed to be a popular subject to discuss. The majority of our attendees were from the Medical School, understandably as they deal … Continue reading “Data Security: A Hot Topic”
Our first Digital Research Conversation!
On Wednesday 6th December we held our first Digital Research Conversation or DRC to a sell out crowd! The topic was ‘Managing Data from Creation to Destruction’ and our aim was to follow the example set by the University of Lancaster with their Data Conversations where they encourage researchers to come together to talk about … Continue reading “Our first Digital Research Conversation!”
Research Data Network York
Last week I attended my first Research Data Management (RDM)-related event. It was the 4th in the series run by JISC called Research Data Network and it was held at the University of York where I studied as an undergraduate, so I was keen to see how the University had changed. The answer was ‘a … Continue reading “Research Data Network York”
My first week in Research Computing
Although I am not new to the University (having previously been in Biosciences), I have recently moved into the very different area of IT Services. Instead of being the researcher, I will now be advising them and promoting specialist computing services. I have been impressed so far by the facilities available in the building; a … Continue reading “My first week in Research Computing”