Reflections on the BEAR Challenge 2024

In this blog post, we hear from Ivan Korniichuk, a member of the third-placed team in BEAR Challenge 2024, who gives his perspective on the recent event. I am delighted to announce that our team “return -1” achieved 3rd place in the BEAR Challenge 2024! Participating in this intensive three-day event at the University of … Continue reading “Reflections on the BEAR Challenge 2024”

BEAR Challenge 2024

We welcomed 50 undergraduate and postgraduate taught students to the 5th BEAR Challenge (#BEARChallenge2024), held over 24-26 June, 2024. Due to room constraints, we could only fit in 10 teams, so unfortunately had to turn away over 50 additional students who had applied. This year, we welcomed teams with students from Computer Science, Physics, Philosophy, … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2024”

BEAR Challenge 2023: A whirlwind of GPUs, AI, pizza and future prospects

The BEAR Challenge 2023 was an exciting three day event that allowed students to access a national Tier 2 supercomputer – the Baskerville High-Performance Computing (HPC) system, as well as hearing about careers in the area from leading industry specialists. Students tackled real-world problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI) using Baskerville’s GPUs. BEAR Challenge team … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2023: A whirlwind of GPUs, AI, pizza and future prospects”

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BEAR Challenge 2023

“The event was fun, challenging, and insightful. The best part was that it gave me an opportunity to work and learn something new with my friends. Thank you, team!” This is a quote from one of the participants who attended the BEAR Challenge held between 19th-21st June. The aim of the challenge is to introduce … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2023”

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Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge

This year June came around again and it’s BEAR Challenge time! This is an event we hold every year to try and introduce University of Birmingham undergraduates and masters’ students to the world of High-Performance Computing (HPC). This year we attracted ten groups of students from across the university from computer science, physics, maths, and … Continue reading “Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge”

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BEAR Challenge 2022 Winners Interview

BEAR Challenge 2022 was a whirlwind of GPUs, AI and pizza! It was a great opportunity to showcase the computing power of the EPSRC Tier 2 Baskerville HPC system, and have the contestants tackle some real-world problems in Artificial Intelligence with Baskerville’s GPUs. To find out more about the challenges involved, read our BEAR Challenge 2022 blog … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2022 Winners Interview”

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BEAR Challenge 2022

Update 15/03/24: BEAR Challenge 2024 – registration open! If you are interested in joining BEAR Challenge 2024 and are either an undergraduate or masters student, from any discipline, please see our Eventbrite registration page for details. —- After a two year hiatus, the BEAR Challenge is back! The popular three day event was held on … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2022”

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BEAR Challenge 2018

As the summer term came to an end, the BEAR team invited 5 teams of students from Computer Science to take part in a series of High Performance Computing (HPC) challenges. The event was designed to give undergraduate students access to the support and technical knowledge of the BEAR team, and to promote a career … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2018”

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