The Hacker Within

On Monday 19th March the BEAR team supported the launch of The Hacker Within (THW), a group designed to enable people interested in coding to share practice, skills and ask questions on research computing and data science. Having booked a room for 30 people, we were amazed to see a turnout of around 70 (and … Continue reading “The Hacker Within”

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MATLAB Seminar

In February we held a seminar for around 50 staff and students to learn how to utilise MATLAB software for their research. We invited MathWorks to the university, to give an overview of MATLAB and some of its key features and tools. Bulat Khusainov gave a really useful insight, covering parallelisation, processing on multiple cores … Continue reading “MATLAB Seminar”

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Important! ****Extended Service Impacts for BEAR May 17th to May 26th 2018****

Summary of BEAR Services affected BlueBEAR HPC : Reduced service BEAR Cloud ( VM ) : No service CaStLeS compute ( VM and Batch) : No service NOTE: Other services such as DataShare, RDS, RDA, GitLab etc will NOT be affected. Detail of BEAR migration (!) Just a ‘heads-up’ about the forthcoming migration of BEAR infrastructure … Continue reading “Important! ****Extended Service Impacts for BEAR May 17th to May 26th 2018****”

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Our first Digital Research Conversation!

On Wednesday 6th December we held our first Digital Research Conversation or DRC to a sell out crowd! The topic was ‘Managing Data from Creation to Destruction’ and our aim was to follow the example set by the University of Lancaster with their Data Conversations where they encourage researchers to come together to talk about … Continue reading “Our first Digital Research Conversation!”