March BEAR Newsletter

Welcome to the BEAR Newsletter, bringing you the latest news from the BEAR team (Birmingham Environment for Academic Research), as well as other relevant computing and data-related news from both within the University of Birmingham and outside. Exciting times ahead! Get ready to mark your calendars because the BEAR Conference 2024 is just around the … Continue reading “March BEAR Newsletter”

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Harnessing the power of BlueBEAR: The impact of free schools on neighbourhood house prices

In this case study we hear from Zhenyi Zhai, a PhD student in Economics, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable her research into the impact of free schools on neighbourhood house prices. My research explores how the establishment of free schools in England affects the neighbouring house prices. My analysis is based … Continue reading “Harnessing the power of BlueBEAR: The impact of free schools on neighbourhood house prices”

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February BEAR newsletter

Welcome to the BEAR Newsletter, bringing you the latest news from the BEAR team (Birmingham Environment for Academic Research), as well as other relevant computing and data-related news from both within the University of Birmingham and outside. Every two years we run a survey to establish the IT needs of researchers, and this enables us … Continue reading “February BEAR newsletter”

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Too many networks, not enough time

In this case study we hear from Daniel Galvis, a researcher in the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable his research into the role that network structure and node-intrinsic heterogeneities play in coordinating complex behaviours. My name is Daniel Galvis and I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre … Continue reading “Too many networks, not enough time”

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R User Group Event – Data Visualisation Seminar!

In this month’s R User Group meeting, with speakers Laura Bravo Merodio and Jack Sullivan, we look at data visualisation with ggplot2, and tips and tricks for making plots accessible to all. Date Tuesday 6 February 2024 Time 12:00 – 13:00 Location HybridIn-person: Elm House, G08ONLINE: Teams Meeting Link AgendaChair: Katy IvisonTalk 1: “An Introduction To … Continue reading “R User Group Event – Data Visualisation Seminar!”

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How BlueBEAR is helping us understand price-setting behaviour

In this case study we hear from Zhuangchen Wu, a PhD student in Economics, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable his research into understanding price-setting behaviour. My research focuses on understanding price-setting behaviour using data from online sellers. Properties of price-setting have important implications for macroeconomic modelling, especially for monetary policy design. Unlike official inflation … Continue reading “How BlueBEAR is helping us understand price-setting behaviour”

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How BlueBEAR is helping us evaluate air pollution control policies around the world

In this case study we hear from Bowen Liu, an Assistant Professor in Industrial and Business Economics, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable his research into evaluating air pollution control policies around the world. Understanding the effectiveness of clean air policies is challenging, for example, short-term changes in air quality are dominated by meteorological variations, … Continue reading “How BlueBEAR is helping us evaluate air pollution control policies around the world”

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Exploring trends in graduate skills using BlueBEAR

In this case study we hear from Max Schroeder, a postdoc from the Department of Finance, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable his research into developing an economic model that correlates graduates’ observable outcomes with their unobservable skills. Universities tout the development of “graduate skills” as a key outcome of higher education, a promise that’s … Continue reading “Exploring trends in graduate skills using BlueBEAR”

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Using BlueBEAR to calculate reflectivity

In this case study we hear from PhD student Elijah Uche, from Electrical Engineering, who has been making use of BlueBEAR to enable his research into remote monitoring of pipeline infrastructure using RADAR sensors for the detection of oil leaks. The project I am currently working on is the remote monitoring of pipeline infrastructure using RADAR sensors … Continue reading “Using BlueBEAR to calculate reflectivity”

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Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge

This year June came around again and it’s BEAR Challenge time! This is an event we hold every year to try and introduce University of Birmingham undergraduates and masters’ students to the world of High-Performance Computing (HPC). This year we attracted ten groups of students from across the university from computer science, physics, maths, and … Continue reading “Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge”

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