We thought it would be really interesting to find out more about our researchers and how they use BEAR services, so what better way to do this than be interviewed by a bear!

So, our first interviewees are Professor Dagmar Divjak and Professor Petar Milin from Modern Languages in CAL.
Q1 – Tell me about your research
We lead the Leverhulme Trust funded Out of Our Minds project. Hearing a language spoken as you are growing up means you learn rules about it without being formally taught. What if learning a foreign language as an adult could be more like this? We’re using computational modelling techniques to find out more about how people learn languages and help us to transform the teaching of foreign languages.
Q2 – How do you use BEAR services?
For data storage (Research Data Store) and BlueBEAR for data processing (e.g. computational modelling, statistical analysis). BlueBEAR makes it much quicker to generate our results.

Q3 – What is the best thing about BEAR (apart from me)
Reliability, swiftness in responding to issues and queries, competence, and kindness and friendliness!
Thanks to Dagmar and Petar for a really interesting interview.
Look out for our next researcher soon!
ORCID: Petar Milin
ResearchGate: Dagmar Divjak, Petar Milin