November BEAR Newsletter

Welcome to the BEAR Newsletter, bringing you the latest news from the BEAR team (Birmingham Environment for Academic Research), as well as other relevant computing and data-related news from both within the University of Birmingham and outside. This month, we have some exciting news about awards, announced at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, SC23, in … Continue reading “November BEAR Newsletter”

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HPC Wire Award 2023 winners!

We are excited to announce that researchers who use our advanced computing facilities have been recognised as award winners in the HPCwire 2023 awards! Advanced Research Computing is very proud to provide the BEAR computing facilities to support life changing research at the University, which has again been internationally recognised in these highly competitive, global … Continue reading “HPC Wire Award 2023 winners!”

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October BEAR Newsletter

Welcome to the BEAR Newsletter, bringing you the latest news from the BEAR team (Birmingham Environment for Academic Research), as well as other relevant computing and data-related news from both within the University of Birmingham and outside. It has been great to meet lots of new PhD students and staff at various events including the … Continue reading “October BEAR Newsletter”

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BEAR on the move!

Keen eyed users of the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) web pages may have noticed that we are in the process of relocating our intranet content to its new home on the university internet. This is due to a university-wide move to relocate all content currently hosted on the intranet. The intranet is becoming increasingly unstable, … Continue reading “BEAR on the move!”

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We’re recruiting! Part-time Training Coordinator Grade 6 role

Join our brilliant Advanced Research Computing group at the University of Birmingham, where you will have the opportunity to support training for researchers using our cutting-edge technology, and promote innovative research projects using our facilities at a world-class university. Recent successes and secure funding mean we are growing. In the last year we’ve added Research Software Engineers, Research … Continue reading “We’re recruiting! Part-time Training Coordinator Grade 6 role”

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R Special Interest Group – call for Volunteers!

Kamilla Kopec-Harding (Research Data Scientist) and Kirsty McCready (PhD Candidate & BEAR REDG Intern) are looking for volunteers to help set up an R User Group at the University of Birmingham. This Special Interest Group (SIG) will bring together R Users from across the University to share knowledge and skills.  R is a popular programming language … Continue reading “R Special Interest Group – call for Volunteers!”

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We’re recruiting! Two Grade 9 ‘Principal’ Research Infrastructure Engineer posts

Join our brilliant Advanced Research Computing group at the University of Birmingham, where you will have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and on innovative research projects at a world-class university. Recent successes and secure funding mean we are growing. In the last year we’ve added Research Software Engineers, Research Data Scientists, a Graduate Systems Engineer and … Continue reading “We’re recruiting! Two Grade 9 ‘Principal’ Research Infrastructure Engineer posts”

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Essential HPC tools – tmux

In this blog post on Advanced Research Computing tips, one of our Research Software Engineers, Dr James Allsopp, gives some tips on logging into Linux-based systems such as BlueBEAR and Baskerville, using tmux. Whenever I have to remote into a Linux-based system, one of the first things I look for is a program called tmux. … Continue reading “Essential HPC tools – tmux”

BEAR PGR Conference 2023

Over two days in April (19-20), BEAR users came together to meet and hear about the fascinating research that Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) and academic staff are undertaking on the University’s supercomputer, BlueBEAR. The BEAR PGR Conference is an annual event where we give PGRs an opportunity to get experience in running a conference, gaining skills … Continue reading “BEAR PGR Conference 2023”

Data Horror Stories

Have you ever lost your research data? Left a memory stick in a public computer? Not been able to find the crucial bit of data underpinning your publication? In a return to our in-person Digital Research Conversations, held on the 2nd November 2022, we covered some data horror stories but most importantly, offered advice on … Continue reading “Data Horror Stories”