Stabilising BEAR

Over the past few months we’ve had a number of service issues with BEAR and this is something we’d really like to apologise for – we pride ourselves on providing excellent services and recently we’ve not lived up to that. Sorry about this! 🙇🏻 I thought I’d take some time to explain some of the issues … Continue reading “Stabilising BEAR”

Deploying the largest IBM POWER9 AI cluster in the UK!

Researchers at the University of Birmingham are set to benefit from the largest IBM® POWER9™ Artificial Intelligence (AI) cluster in the UK, delivering unprecedented performance for AI workloads. Working with OCF, the high-performance compute, storage and data analytics integrator, the University will integrate a total of 11 IBM POWER9 systems into its existing high-performance computing … Continue reading “Deploying the largest IBM POWER9 AI cluster in the UK!”

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***Extended Service Impacts for BEAR***  ****May 17th to May 26th 2018****

Latest News – Summary of BEAR Services affected BlueBEAR HPC : Reduced service BEAR Cloud ( VM ) : No service CaStLeS compute ( VM and Batch) : No service with a few minor exceptions (In each case, the PI owner has been informed). The good news is that All CaStLeS data will remain available … Continue reading “***Extended Service Impacts for BEAR***  ****May 17th to May 26th 2018****”

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Lights Go On in the New Research Data Centre

With enormous thanks to our Estates project manager, we can confirm that the lights have gone on in the new Research Data Centre. This means ‘all systems are go’ for the BEAR migration 17th to 26th May as previously announced. See the service impacts summary published on 8th March   ‘Important! Extended Service Impacts for BEAR … Continue reading “Lights Go On in the New Research Data Centre”

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Important! ****Extended Service Impacts for BEAR May 17th to May 26th 2018****

Summary of BEAR Services affected BlueBEAR HPC : Reduced service BEAR Cloud ( VM ) : No service CaStLeS compute ( VM and Batch) : No service NOTE: Other services such as DataShare, RDS, RDA, GitLab etc will NOT be affected. Detail of BEAR migration (!) Just a ‘heads-up’ about the forthcoming migration of BEAR infrastructure … Continue reading “Important! ****Extended Service Impacts for BEAR May 17th to May 26th 2018****”

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BEAR Services Available during the Data Centre Migration

**Thursday 17th May to Saturday 26th May 2018** Affected Services A limited BlueBEAR service (the Linux HPC batch processing system), using the residual 1300 air-cooled cores. Additional restrictions will apply during migration to share the available resources fairly. Detail to be confirmed. CaStLeS – access to replicated storage/data only. VMs and Batch processing will NOT … Continue reading “BEAR Services Available during the Data Centre Migration”

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