What is a “Just City”? A research trip to Zürich

In 2014, the number of people across the globe living in urban areas surpassed those living in the countryside for the first time. Cities are where more highly-skilled and better-paid jobs tend to be clustered. They have a wider range of cultural attractions, restaurants, educational and shopping opportunities than rural places. These features encourage in-migration … Continue reading “What is a “Just City”? A research trip to Zürich”

Singapore ‘smoking ban’ sounds radical, but it’s an odd way to reduce air pollution

On January 1 2019, Singapore will introduce a “no smoking zone” along a three kilometre stretch of Orchard Road – one of the city’s busiest shopping districts. It sounds controversial – restricting people’s right to smoke in public spaces, as a way of tackling air pollution and improving public health. But smoking is not actually … Continue reading “Singapore ‘smoking ban’ sounds radical, but it’s an odd way to reduce air pollution”

Services and Experiences from Space

The on-going debate on the future of retailing and the high street has within it an emphasis on the shift from purchasing ‘experiences’ rather than goods. This transformation of economic transactions into experiences can be traced back over two decades but has been intensifying. January is often associated with a number of experiential movements – … Continue reading “Services and Experiences from Space”

City-REDI Spring Seminar Series

City-REDI is delighted to invite you to our seminar series covering economics, economic geography, regional science, economic development, critical urbanism and urban policymaking. The seminars are open to all including PhDs, Masters students and non-academics. Do join us, and feel free to forward to others who might be interested. The seminar programme can be found below … Continue reading “City-REDI Spring Seminar Series”

The Implications of Brexit for the UK’s Regions

Our research for the UK in a Changing Europe (“The economic impacts of Brexit on the UK, its regions, its cities and its sectors”) has demonstrated that the implications of Brexit are profoundly different for the different cities, regions, and nations of the UK. Yet, the proposed UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement brokered by Prime Minister Theresa … Continue reading “The Implications of Brexit for the UK’s Regions”

Meet Laura Reynolds, our new Policy and Data Analyst

I have recently returned to the West Midlands for my role as a Policy and Data Analyst after five-years living and working in Wales. Coming back to the area after time away, I can see first-hand the changes across the city. Birmingham is rising to its position as the United Kingdom’s second city; attracting more … Continue reading “Meet Laura Reynolds, our new Policy and Data Analyst”

Launch of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory

The Midlands Engine Economic Observatory is part of the Midlands Engine, a partnership of local and combined authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships, universities and businesses working together in new and transformative ways to invigorate the £207 billion Midlands economy. Home to over 10 million people and 440,000 large and small businesses, the Midlands has huge potential … Continue reading “Launch of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory”

Immigration in Developed Economies

Last year, economists across the political spectrum in the United States signed a petition to the US government in support of an immigration policy that would welcome more rather than fewer immigrants.  However, the current US administration seemed to feel that the opinions of these “so-called experts” (a similar denigration of economists as in the … Continue reading “Immigration in Developed Economies”

Meet Abigail Taylor, our new Policy and Data Analyst

I recently joined City-REDI as a Policy and Data Analyst. Throughout my academic studies and career, I have been interested in understanding the role of place in social and economic inequalities. Joining the City-REDI team gives me the opportunity to pursue this further through contributing to research and policy analysis that informs and influences regional … Continue reading “Meet Abigail Taylor, our new Policy and Data Analyst”

City-REDI Presents Evidence at Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural Health and Social Care – 30th October 2018

In our last blog, “Professor Anne Green Presents City-REDI Research at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care” we described the research City-REDI and Rose Generation completed this summer on issues around recruitment and retention of NHS and care workers in rural areas and described the aims of the new … Continue reading “City-REDI Presents Evidence at Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural Health and Social Care – 30th October 2018”