West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 27 June 2024

This month, the World Bank has recommended global cooperation to safeguard trade, support green and digital transitions, deliver debt relief, and improve food security. Economy and Business Despite an improvement in near-term prospects, the global outlook remains subdued by historical standards. In 2024-25, growth is set to underperform its 2010s average in nearly 60 percent … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 27 June 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 30 May 2024

This month brings news of a General Election on 4 July, following on from the May local elections where Labour won 9 out of 10 mayoral elections, including in the West Midlands. This is happening against the backdrop of global growth rates above 3% and inflation falling rapidly globally. In the UK, the Consumer Prices … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 30 May 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 April 2024

The forecast for global growth five years from now—at 3.1%—is at its lowest in decades. Global inflation is forecast to decline steadily, from 6.8% in 2023 to 5.9% in 2024 and 4.5% in 2025, with advanced economies returning to their inflation targets sooner than emerging markets and developing economies. Economic momentum is set to return … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 April 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 28 March 2024

The final monitor before the Easter break brings us the news that input prices continue to slowly fall, which should contribute to decelerating inflation, yet the global economy is still showing slow growth. Most indicators show a moderate improvement, but all indications are that recovery will continue to be very slow. The Office for Budget … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 28 March 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 23 February 2024

The UK economy entered a recession at the end of last year. Meanwhile at the global scale growth has been revised upwards to just over 3% in 2024 and 2025, but below the historical norm that is closer to 4%. Regionally, business confidence is increasing.  Global trends The IMF has released its World Economic Outlook … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 23 February 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024

A slow Christmas for retailers hints at the continuing issues with sluggish growth seen globally, with forecasts struggling to revise upwards. A continuing bumpy ride for China is having global ramifications. Food prices are rising, as are those goods most affected by Brexit. Future prospects for the West Midlands seem mixed. Growth outlook The World … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 15 December 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the challenges of inflation (although falling) and low growth remain. The cost of living, the NHS and the economy are key concerns for the general public. However, businesses in the West Midlands are still optimistic as indicated by the Future Business Activity Index. Global, national and regional outlook The … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 15 December 2023”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor- 17 November 2023

This month continues to be turbulent. Conflict in the Middle East, unstable UK politics and continued stagnation of the economy. Whilst the economy is showing some resilience, prospects for growth remain low and rising global tensions are increasing worries of global shocks to already sensitive energy markets. The baseline forecast is for global growth to … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor- 17 November 2023”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12 October 2023

In a week marked by escalating unrest in the Middle East, global leaders face critical decisions, raising concerns about the world economy. Amid rising international tensions, the global economy has shown unexpected resilience in early 2023, but growth prospects remain low. Although headline inflation is decreasing, core inflation persists due to the services sector and … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12 October 2023”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 13 September 2023

This month there is another natural disaster; rescue efforts are ongoing after a powerful earthquake struck central Morocco on Friday night just after 11pm. The death toll has soared to more than 2,000, with a similar number of injured. Inflation continues to be an issue globally post-pandemic. Heatwaves, fires and floods are hitting key supply … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 13 September 2023”