Midlands Engine Independent Economic Review – Call for Evidence

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SQW and Cambridge Econometrics have been commissioned by the Midlands Engine to develop the first-ever Independent Economic Review (IER) for the Midlands region. This exercise forms part of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory, led by City-REDI at the University of Birmingham, Nottingham Trent University and the Black Country Consortium.

The first phase of work is now underway to scope, define and agree on the core focus of the IER. As part of this early work, the research team are gathering existing evidence from stakeholders across the Midlands, which the review will build on.  We invite you to take part in our Call for Evidence to inform the IER.  Specifically, we would appreciate your thoughts and reflections in relation to the following questions:

  1. What top three issues, themes or research questions should the IER focus on and why?
  2. What evidence has been generated locally that might be useful as part of the IER’s review of existing evidence?

For further information on the Call for Evidence, and a form to submit your answers and evidence, please click here. Please send completed forms to MEeconreview@sqw.co.uk by Monday 4th March.

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