There’s a parking crisis in space – and you should be worried about it bluebay / Chloe Billing, University of Birmingham This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. This article also featured in The Independent. For many, locating a parking spot is the bane of city living. Apparently motorists … Continue reading “There’s a parking crisis in space – and you should be worried about it”
Mayors should be ignored by the government at their peril – the redefinition of democratic power
Joseph Chamberlain ‘got things resolved’ despite not having the powers of the new mayors said John Cridland, chair of Transport for the North, at last week’s DevoQT event at the Tory Party conference in Manchester. The power to convene, bang heads together and drive change just by virtue of the office was a theme emphasised … Continue reading “Mayors should be ignored by the government at their peril – the redefinition of democratic power”
City-REDI feature in “Data as Infrastructure” report
Professor Simon Collinson and Dr Amir Qamar were recently featured in a report on data by Prospect magazine. The report, called “Data as Infrastructure” puts together a series of articles and essays on “Smart cities” and how local authorities are beginning to see data as another form of infrastructure. Simon and Amir’s chapter titled “Smart … Continue reading “City-REDI feature in “Data as Infrastructure” report”
Inclusive Growth Principles for Cities
‘Inclusive growth’ is increasingly invoked at international, national and city levels as offering prospects for more equitable social outcomes. Yet the concept of inclusive growth is open to a number of different interpretations. This has not stopped interest in developing inclusive growth indicators. In the USA the Brookings Institution has developed and combined indicators measuring … Continue reading “Inclusive Growth Principles for Cities”
University of Birmingham Research Conference, 2017
On 26th September 2017, the University of Birmingham held their first research conference. The theme was ‘Research Futures’ and provided an opportunity to discuss open research questions whilst exploring current issues around the delivery of effective & impactful research. It was aimed at the University’s academic staff, and staff supporting research. City REDI’s Catherine Harris and … Continue reading “University of Birmingham Research Conference, 2017”
Has Brexit reshaped British Politics?
POLSIS (Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham) hosted the first of their seminar series last week which saw the legendary Professor John Curtice – the nation’s leading expert on elections, voting and public opinion and “the man who won the 2017 elections” – assess last year’s EU Referendum result and British … Continue reading “Has Brexit reshaped British Politics?”
Birmingham Policy Lab: Financing Local Public Services
The University of Birmingham and City-REDI would like to invite you to a Birmingham Policy Lab workshop to explore the theme of the financing local public services. As demands on public services grow and austerity looks set to continue, the need to reform and look afresh at the financing of local public services is more … Continue reading “Birmingham Policy Lab: Financing Local Public Services”
Young people’s pathways into work
Young people’s pathways into work On 28 September 2017 a team of researchers from various Midlands’ universities launched their preliminary findings report Present Tense, Future Imperfect: Young people’s pathways into work at the final event for an ESRC project on Precarious Pathways into Work for Young People. The event was chaired by Matthew Taylor, following … Continue reading “Young people’s pathways into work”
Connectivity and growth – are Engines, Powerhouses, Combined authorities the solution?
“If devolution is a journey, the current deals are not the destination”, was an underlying theme in the discussion at the City-REDI sponsored the Labour Party Conference fringe event on connectivity and growth (organised by Devo Connect). The current approach of making cities and (as Sir John Peace pointed out) other areas compete for limited … Continue reading “Connectivity and growth – are Engines, Powerhouses, Combined authorities the solution?”
Supporting more inclusive employment outcomes in growth sectors
In National Inclusion Week and as part of The Work Foundation’s autumn event series, on 27th September City REDI’s Anne Green, with Paul Sissons from Coventry University and Neil Lee from the LSE, presented findings and discussed policy implications from their ESRC-funded research project on Harnessing Growth Sectors for Poverty Reduction: What Work to Reduce Poverty Through … Continue reading “Supporting more inclusive employment outcomes in growth sectors”