Addressing the Divide: The Impact of University-Related Migration on the UK’s Subregions and Policy Roadmap

Kostas Kollydas and Anne Green summarise the findings from a recent study with Tony Champion on the impact of university-related migration on the UK’s subregions. This blog was first published by the Higher Education Policy Institute. In their recent study, “The gainers and losers from the United Kingdom’s university-related migration: A subregional analysis of Graduate … Continue reading “Addressing the Divide: The Impact of University-Related Migration on the UK’s Subregions and Policy Roadmap”

The Gainers and Losers From the United Kingdom’s University‐Related Migration

A new research paper by Professor Tony Champion, Professor Anne Green and Dr Kostas Kollydas, published in Population, Space and Place, delves into the dynamics of university-related migration in the UK and its implications on spatial disparities, with a keen focus on subregional impacts. Background The motivation for this research was the significant increase in … Continue reading “The Gainers and Losers From the United Kingdom’s University‐Related Migration”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 23 February 2024

The UK economy entered a recession at the end of last year. Meanwhile at the global scale growth has been revised upwards to just over 3% in 2024 and 2025, but below the historical norm that is closer to 4%. Regionally, business confidence is increasing.  Global trends The IMF has released its World Economic Outlook … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 23 February 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024

A slow Christmas for retailers hints at the continuing issues with sluggish growth seen globally, with forecasts struggling to revise upwards. A continuing bumpy ride for China is having global ramifications. Food prices are rising, as are those goods most affected by Brexit. Future prospects for the West Midlands seem mixed. Growth outlook The World … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 15 December 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the challenges of inflation (although falling) and low growth remain. The cost of living, the NHS and the economy are key concerns for the general public. However, businesses in the West Midlands are still optimistic as indicated by the Future Business Activity Index. Global, national and regional outlook The … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 15 December 2023”

REDI-Updates: How Does the Cost-Of-Living Crisis Impact People’s Health and Well-Being?

The latest edition of REDI-Updates is out now – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, the WMREDI team investigates what factors are contributing to the cost-of-living crisis and the impact it is having on households, businesses, public services and the third sector. We also look at how the crisis in … Continue reading “REDI-Updates: How Does the Cost-Of-Living Crisis Impact People’s Health and Well-Being?”

Alternative Approaches to Local Economic Development: Perspectives from the West Midlands

Anne Green, David Waite and Richard Crisp discusses their new paper which compares the five leading agendas that have been positioned as alternative and progressive policy responses to urban economic change. Decades of traditional growth-oriented economic policies have failed to stem widening social inequalities and rising environmental challenges. This has triggered growing interest amongst policymakers … Continue reading “Alternative Approaches to Local Economic Development: Perspectives from the West Midlands”

Skills and Regional Economic Development

Anne Green and Abigail Taylor discuss skills policy in the UK. How can we improve skill provision to reduce regional economical disparity? This blog post was produced for inclusion in the Birmingham Economic Review for 2022.  The annual Birmingham Economic Review is produced by the University of Birmingham’s City-REDI and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of … Continue reading “Skills and Regional Economic Development”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12th May 2023

Latest results suggest business conditions continue to remain challenging, but estimates show small signs of positive improvement for some measures; examples include a stable proportion of businesses reporting they were able to get materials, goods and services from within the UK, and more businesses reported having fewer concerns for their business. Both the Institute of Chartered … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12th May 2023”

What Characteristics Influence the Retention/Migration Decisions of Birmingham Graduates?

Anne Green and Kostas Kollydas provide a breakdown of the type of graduates that remain in the region after they complete their degrees. The skills composition of the labour force plays a vital role in a region’s productivity, economic growth and innovation capabilities. In this context, creating the conditions for retaining highly skilled university graduates … Continue reading “What Characteristics Influence the Retention/Migration Decisions of Birmingham Graduates?”