Resilience and Wellbeing – Insights from New Zealand

Tasos Kitsos attended the Regional Studies Australasia Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand and reports on his work on economic resilience: Christchurch and New Zealand are very interesting places that can offer new perspectives on most things researched. It is not by chance the country was the first to grant women voting rights. Concerning my research … Continue reading “Resilience and Wellbeing – Insights from New Zealand”

Economic resilience: addressing the challenges to come

Economic crises have happened long before the great recession of 2008 and unfortunately will happen again in the future. Maybe not as bad as the 2008 one but they will happen. We can spend years discussing why recessions happen and we can use plenty of insights in psychology, economics as well as ideological arguments. This … Continue reading “Economic resilience: addressing the challenges to come”