Cheapening Tomorrow? Revisiting HM Treasury’s Discount Rate

Calvin Jones, Professor of Economics at Cardiff Business School, critiques current discounting practices used to evaluate long-term investments, arguing that they systematically undervalue future benefits. By advocating for a revised approach that considers ecological and social factors, Calvin suggests using a lower discount rate to prioritise sustainability and equity. The future… is another country? Go find a … Continue reading “Cheapening Tomorrow? Revisiting HM Treasury’s Discount Rate”

Treasury Green Book Roadshow – Presentations and Video From the Event

On the 9th of March 2021, WM REDI and the West Midlands Combined Authority hosted the Treasury Green Book Roadshow. The roadshow was the first step to developing a network of empowered, knowledgeable people to improve business case development in the region. Evidencing, exploring and choosing the right options to fix an issue, aiming for … Continue reading “Treasury Green Book Roadshow – Presentations and Video From the Event”

The Green Book User Group – Strong Foundations for Better Intervention Development

Rebecca Riley discusses the formation of the Green Book User Group and an event to launch the latest Green Book.  This blog was first published on the Government Finance Function website.  The Green Book is a great tool for better decision-making, not a compliance code. Yet we all often hear the term “Green Book compliant” … Continue reading “The Green Book User Group – Strong Foundations for Better Intervention Development”