Simulating DNA and its Interactions with Metal Compounds

In this case study, we hear from Samuel Dettmer (Chemistry), who has been making use of BlueBEAR and the Research Data Store to enable his research into the ability of metal compounds to bind to DNA structures. My name’s Sam and I’m a 2nd year PhD student in the Hannon Group in the School of Chemistry. My … Continue reading “Simulating DNA and its Interactions with Metal Compounds”

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Essential HPC tools – tmux

In this blog post on Advanced Research Computing tips, one of our Research Software Engineers, Dr James Allsopp, gives some tips on logging into Linux-based systems such as BlueBEAR and Baskerville, using tmux. Whenever I have to remote into a Linux-based system, one of the first things I look for is a program called tmux. … Continue reading “Essential HPC tools – tmux”

Statistical modelling to map and measure crimes against women and children

In this case study, we hear from Dr. Rowland Seymour (Mathematics), who has been making use of help from the BEAR software group to enable his research into safeguarding women. I’m an Assistant Professor in Mathematics and my research involves developing statistical tools to map and measure crimes, such as human trafficking and violence against women … Continue reading “Statistical modelling to map and measure crimes against women and children”

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Training review and autumn 2020 courses

In early 2020 we began discussing the modification of BEAR training to become modular. Our Software Carpentry courses consisted of 2 full days, which is a big commitment of time for all involved, and also meant that some participants were hearing the same content more than once as there was overlap with the Git and … Continue reading “Training review and autumn 2020 courses”

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