Inclusive Growth Principles for Cities

‘Inclusive growth’ is increasingly invoked at international, national and city levels as offering prospects for more equitable social outcomes. Yet the concept of inclusive growth is open to a number of different interpretations. This has not stopped interest in developing inclusive growth indicators. In the USA the Brookings Institution has developed and combined indicators measuring … Continue reading “Inclusive Growth Principles for Cities”

Supporting more inclusive employment outcomes in growth sectors

In National Inclusion Week and as part of The Work Foundation’s autumn event series, on 27th September City REDI’s Anne Green, with Paul Sissons from Coventry University and Neil Lee from the LSE, presented findings and discussed policy implications from their ESRC-funded research project on Harnessing Growth Sectors for Poverty Reduction: What Work to Reduce Poverty Through … Continue reading “Supporting more inclusive employment outcomes in growth sectors”

Fuelling City-Regions, why skills matter

Introduction from Professor Anne Green: Issues relating to skills are at the forefront of topical debates about economic prosperity, productivity and inclusive growth. While policy makers at national and sub-national levels have long been concerned with skills levels, skills shortage and skills gaps, devolution and the development of an Industrial Strategy recognising the importance of … Continue reading “Fuelling City-Regions, why skills matter”