Creative industries have long been a focus of urban researchers and policymakers. There is a good reason for this: creative industries tend to cluster heavily in cities. In the UK, for example, 53% of creative industries jobs and 44% of firms are found in just five cities. There is a large academic literature describing these … Continue reading “A First Look at Connections Between Creative Industry Presence and the Wider Urban Economy”
Author: Diana Gutierrez Posada
Universities and Regional Economies: A Peek Into the Wild Side
In this blog Diana Gutiérrez-Posada, Tasos Kitsos and André Carrascal-Incera discuss their project on the impact of universities on regional economies, linking to further work in City-REDI. This research is part of the City-REDI project “The Impact of Universities on Regional Economies“. There is a great divide among academics and the public as to the … Continue reading “Universities and Regional Economies: A Peek Into the Wild Side”
Meet Dr Diana Gutiérrez Posada, Research Fellow at City-REDI
As a researcher, I’m interested in the differences between regions, trying to understand why some areas flourish while others struggle, and how this is related to a regions characteristics (framed in a certain spatial context), which is broadly what Economic Geography looks at. I am keenly interested in the interplay between structural and circumstantial features. … Continue reading “Meet Dr Diana Gutiérrez Posada, Research Fellow at City-REDI”