Resilience, Politics and Awards: Reflections from Regional Studies Association’s Conference in Santiago de Compostela

Tasos Kitsos reflects on this year’s Regional Studies Association’s annual conference in Santiago de Compostela. Every RSA conference is a great opportunity to meet old friends, make new, discuss research and engage in new collaborations. This one was particularly excting since it was the first time I was involved in organising a special session. Together … Continue reading “Resilience, Politics and Awards: Reflections from Regional Studies Association’s Conference in Santiago de Compostela”

New Policy Institute: The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country

NPI’s recent report on behalf of the Barrow Cadbury Trust depicts a shocking, if not surprising, picture of economic injustice in England’s second city and the surrounding Black Country. The report combines the traditional economic barometers like productivity with the ideas of social justice and how the economy spreads well-being. The first of its kind … Continue reading “New Policy Institute: The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country”

West Midlands Economic Monitor: May 2019

May’s edition of the West Midlands Economic Monitor is now available for download. This month’s installment looks at the debate around HS2, how much money you need to earn to be happy, inequality in the region, ongoing protests against LGBT-inclusive education, a range of regeneration projects planned for Birmingham, and the latest statistics around employment, … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Monitor: May 2019”

The Realities, Challenges and Strengths of the External Funding Environment at LEP Level

When I joined City-REDI in October, I was seconded 50% of my time to the Smart Specialisation Hub in Islington for six months. The Hub provided analysis to improve local and national understanding of innovation capabilities, benchmarking innovation activity across Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). Established in 2010 by the then Department for Business, Innovation and … Continue reading “The Realities, Challenges and Strengths of the External Funding Environment at LEP Level”

What is Gross Value Added (GVA)?

Welcome to part one in our new series “What is…?” where we explain the language, terms and ideas used in our day-to-day work.  Other blogs from the series include: What is Transport Resilience? What is Smart Specialisation? What are Industrial Clusters and Economies of Agglomeration? Definition and Description Gross value added (GVA) measures the contribution … Continue reading “What is Gross Value Added (GVA)?”

Brexit and the UK’s Regional and Urban Challenges

Brexit poses four direct challenges that relate to sub-national, regional and urban issues. First, it leads to an economic challenge in that the UK’s interregional inequalities are likely to become even greater than they currently are. Second, and consequent upon the first, is that Brexit also leads to a political challenge in that the expectations of voters … Continue reading “Brexit and the UK’s Regional and Urban Challenges”

Meet Professor Stephan Weiler, Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Birmingham – Part Three

Professor Stephan Weiler is currently visiting City-REDI as a Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair. The Fulbright Distinguished Chair Awards are viewed as the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program, a global exchange program now in existence for over seventy years. In a series of blogs, Stephan will introduce himself and outline how this partnership … Continue reading “Meet Professor Stephan Weiler, Fulbright Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Birmingham – Part Three”

Economic Resilience: The Multi-Dimensional Role of Skills

City-REDI has prepared this brief to inform the debate on economic resilience. It draws on resilience research at the Institute and elsewhere and is prepared under funding provided by the Economic and Social Research Council (ES/S011226/1). It first discusses the concept of resilience in political and policy discourse at the national level and then considers … Continue reading “Economic Resilience: The Multi-Dimensional Role of Skills”

Spacetime and Singapore: Towards a Four-Dimensional Understanding of City-Region Economies

I am based in Singapore this week and this provides an opportunity to consider Singapore as an extraordinary place. There are many aspects to Singapore as an extraordinary place. It is possible to argue that all places are extraordinary or special in some way. Context matters or perhaps more correctly ‘geography matters’. It is important … Continue reading “Spacetime and Singapore: Towards a Four-Dimensional Understanding of City-Region Economies”

New focus on the foundations of the UK’s economy might help poorest regions post-Brexit

Among all the uncertainty Brexit is causing, concerns have arisen over the potential fuel it is adding to the pertinent problem of inequality. There is mounting evidence that post-Brexit, the economic and social disparities between the stronger and weaker UK regions will widen. Looking at a number of potential scenarios, estimates suggest that the poorest … Continue reading “New focus on the foundations of the UK’s economy might help poorest regions post-Brexit”