In 2014, the number of people across the globe living in urban areas surpassed those living in the countryside for the first time. Cities are where more highly-skilled and better-paid jobs tend to be clustered. They have a wider range of cultural attractions, restaurants, educational and shopping opportunities than rural places. These features encourage in-migration … Continue reading “What is a “Just City”? A research trip to Zürich”
Category: Environment
Value and Valuing Christmas: Towards a non-price-based Theory of Value
In 2016 and again in 2017, I produced a Christmas blog that explored twelve economic impacts of Christmas. More recently, I commented on Small Business Saturday and the importance of responsible consumption during the December shopping Christmas frenzy. This year I am not exploring the economic impacts of Christmas, but I am interested in considering … Continue reading “Value and Valuing Christmas: Towards a non-price-based Theory of Value”
World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality
I am not a great fan of designating days of the year to celebrate or reflect on an event or activity. Every morning, I awake to another day that has been given some form of day-related association. The problem is that citizens are swamped with these attempts to brand days to highlight the importance of … Continue reading “World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality”
Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions
Professor John Bryson on reading City-Regions during his time in Dubai I am here in Dubai for ten days. I am an academic interested in place and space. As a student of place and space, it is important to experience many different places to try to understand the on-going evolution of the international economy. Most … Continue reading “Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions”
Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017
There are many types of Christmas. For some it is a special religious moment, for others, it is a time for families and friends and for many a time for consumption. For many others, it is a critical time in their business activities – a time in which sales linked to Christmas determine profitability and … Continue reading “Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017”