What is a “Just City”? A research trip to Zürich

In 2014, the number of people across the globe living in urban areas surpassed those living in the countryside for the first time. Cities are where more highly-skilled and better-paid jobs tend to be clustered. They have a wider range of cultural attractions, restaurants, educational and shopping opportunities than rural places. These features encourage in-migration … Continue reading “What is a “Just City”? A research trip to Zürich”

Value and Valuing Christmas: Towards a non-price-based Theory of Value

In 2016 and again in 2017, I produced a Christmas blog that explored twelve economic impacts of Christmas. More recently, I commented on Small Business Saturday and the importance of responsible consumption during the December shopping Christmas frenzy. This year I am not exploring the economic impacts of Christmas, but I am interested in considering … Continue reading “Value and Valuing Christmas: Towards a non-price-based Theory of Value”

World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality

I am not a great fan of designating days of the year to celebrate or reflect on an event or activity. Every morning, I awake to another day that has been given some form of day-related association. The problem is that citizens are swamped with these attempts to brand days to highlight the importance of … Continue reading “World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality”

Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions

Professor John Bryson on reading City-Regions during his time in Dubai I am here in Dubai for ten days. I am an academic interested in place and space. As a student of place and space, it is important to experience many different places to try to understand the on-going evolution of the international economy. Most … Continue reading “Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions”

Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017

There are many types of Christmas. For some it is a special religious moment, for others, it is a time for families and friends and for many a time for consumption.  For many others, it is a critical time in their business activities – a time in which sales linked to Christmas determine profitability and … Continue reading “Twelve Economic Impacts of Christmas 2017”