What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?

With just a couple of weeks to go until the UK’s planned exit from the European Union, the country still faces significant uncertainties about the shape Brexit will take and the impact it will have on businesses and livelihoods. Yet perhaps more concerning is what Brexit has so starkly revealed about the state of regional … Continue reading “What do England’s towns need from devolution post-Brexit?”

Today is World Day of Social Justice. Let’s talk about what that means

 The 20th of February has been designated by the United Nations as World Day of Social Justice. This year’s theme is “If you want peace and development, work for social justice”, with a specific focus on the 2 billion people worldwide living in fragile states afflicted by conflicts and how the creation of better quality … Continue reading “Today is World Day of Social Justice. Let’s talk about what that means”

Resilience and Wellbeing – Insights from New Zealand

Tasos Kitsos attended the Regional Studies Australasia Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand and reports on his work on economic resilience: Christchurch and New Zealand are very interesting places that can offer new perspectives on most things researched. It is not by chance the country was the first to grant women voting rights. Concerning my research … Continue reading “Resilience and Wellbeing – Insights from New Zealand”

Services and Experiences from Space

The on-going debate on the future of retailing and the high street has within it an emphasis on the shift from purchasing ‘experiences’ rather than goods. This transformation of economic transactions into experiences can be traced back over two decades but has been intensifying. January is often associated with a number of experiential movements – … Continue reading “Services and Experiences from Space”

City-REDI Spring Seminar Series

City-REDI is delighted to invite you to our seminar series covering economics, economic geography, regional science, economic development, critical urbanism and urban policymaking. The seminars are open to all including PhDs, Masters students and non-academics. Do join us, and feel free to forward to others who might be interested. The seminar programme can be found below … Continue reading “City-REDI Spring Seminar Series”

City-REDI at ERSA Lyon

City-REDI researchers have been involved in organising a range of special sessions at the European Regional Science Association Congress taking place in Lyon 27-30 August 2019. In particular, the topics are indicative of the expertise and research interests of the institute and cover: S03. Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals … Continue reading “City-REDI at ERSA Lyon”

World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality

I am not a great fan of designating days of the year to celebrate or reflect on an event or activity. Every morning, I awake to another day that has been given some form of day-related association. The problem is that citizens are swamped with these attempts to brand days to highlight the importance of … Continue reading “World Cities Day, 31 October 2018, and Reading City-Regions: Responsible Inclusive Prosperity and Environmental Quality”

The Future of Work during an Era of Disruptive Process and Technological Change : Reflections on a Debate held at the University of Birmingham Dubai

Further reflections by Professor John Bryson on his time in Dubai Futures matter. But the future is the future and not the now. We are living with uncertainty – uncertain lives, uncertain futures. Capitalism is an evolving system of value creation. Central to capitalism is a process that transforms inputs in to new forms of … Continue reading “The Future of Work during an Era of Disruptive Process and Technological Change : Reflections on a Debate held at the University of Birmingham Dubai”

A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne

Last month, a team from City-REDI attended the 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography. In this blog, Dr Tasos Kitsos provides a summary of the conference along with details of his current work.  The 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography took place in sunny and hot Cologne, the German Carnival capital, 24-28 July. The conference attracted … Continue reading “A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne”

City-REDI/REDI@CSU Economic Growth Research Featured at US Federal Reserve Workshop

Research associates Jacob Moore and Nicholas Kacher from Regional Economic Development Institute at Colorado State University (REDI@CSU), were recently invited to present their evolving work – the first formal presentation of the regional economic growth modeling collaboration with City-REDI — at the Research Workshop on Expanding Opportunities through Economic Development and Workforce Development Initiatives at … Continue reading “City-REDI/REDI@CSU Economic Growth Research Featured at US Federal Reserve Workshop”