Budgeting on the Margins? Skills, Business Rates and the Budget

Here, City-REDI’s Professor John Bryson shares his Spring Budget predictions ahead of tomorrow’s announcement. “…There is a major policy tension that needs to be reconciled. On the one hand, there is a strategy to devolve business rates as part of the ‘devolution revolution’. On the other hand, the rise of e-commerce has undermined the basis of much … Continue reading “Budgeting on the Margins? Skills, Business Rates and the Budget”

A modern industrial strategy – can it work?

A modern industrial strategy – can it work? The following piece was written by Professor Henry Overman, London School of Economics, and City-REDI’s Max Nathan. Much has already been written on the Government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper. This post isn’t intended to provide an overall assessment or spell out our individual views on the approach being … Continue reading “A modern industrial strategy – can it work?”

Research on Economic Resilience in UK Local Authority Districts

Since the 2008 downturn, ‘resilience’ as a concept has re-entered daily discussions in both policy and academia. The notion of a place which is able to grow despite what lies in its path however, though very appealing, has proven exceptionally difficult. Here, City-REDI’s Tasos Kitsos discusses the findings of his latest research paper which can be … Continue reading “Research on Economic Resilience in UK Local Authority Districts”

West Midlands Devolution: Great Mayoral Debate 2017

City-REDI sponsored an event hosted by Insider last week which brought together the mayoral candidates for the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) for a debate ahead of the election on May 4th. City-REDI’s Prof. Simon Collinson was there to bring the session to a close, providing a number of key reflections that came out of the … Continue reading “West Midlands Devolution: Great Mayoral Debate 2017”

Post-Brexit? What defines an outstanding Modern Industrial Strategy for a Great Global Trading Nation?

Here, City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson gives his views on what a modern industrial strategy should look like post-Brexit. “An effective industrial strategy should be a long-term strategy that works over decades rather than years. It should evolve slowly building on a strong supportive foundation and should be evaluated over decades rather than election cycles.” Last week, Theresa … Continue reading “Post-Brexit? What defines an outstanding Modern Industrial Strategy for a Great Global Trading Nation?”

Theresa May’s Brexit speech: what will it mean for migration and employment?

Following Theresa May’s speech on 17 January 2017, laying out the UK’s objectives for its exit from the EU, questions surrounding migration and any impact this may have on employment remain key. Mrs May used her much-anticipated speech to announce her priorities for Brexit negotiations, including “control” of migration between the UK and the EU. ‘Brexit … Continue reading “Theresa May’s Brexit speech: what will it mean for migration and employment?”

All Change? The Implications of Theresa May’s Lancaster House ‘Exiting the European Union’ Speech (16 January 2017) for Everyday Britons

Here, City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson discusses what Theresa May’s speech on ‘Exiting the European Union’ earlier this week means for everyday Britons. “Well, that’s all folks!” This well-known phase from the world of Hollywood cartoons perhaps sums up Theresa May’s Lancaster House speech that has laid out some of the principles that underpin the UK Government’s approach … Continue reading “All Change? The Implications of Theresa May’s Lancaster House ‘Exiting the European Union’ Speech (16 January 2017) for Everyday Britons”

International students – Do we really want less?

In the post-Brexit era, a number of previously subdued discussions and ideas came to the fore which attempted to address the concerns of the general public revealed by the referendum. Amongst these is immigration. And within that, there are considerations of reducing the number of international students to universities. In this post, I’m adding my … Continue reading “International students – Do we really want less?”

After the Autumn Statement, winter is coming?

This year’s Autumn Statement paints a dramatic statement for prospects for growth. Instead of being in the black we are now in the red. Borrowing is back, and public spending restraint is a bit looser, but are the measures in the Autumn Statement going to drive growth and help those most affected by austerity? Although … Continue reading “After the Autumn Statement, winter is coming?”

Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development

City-REDI, in collaboration with KPMG, hosted their event ‘Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development’ this month as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Sciences. The Dynamic Economic Impact Model (DEIM) is being developed by KPMG and City-REDI for the … Continue reading “Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development”