Less is More? Will the Levelling Up White Paper Rebalance the Regional Distribution of R&D Spending?

Welcome to REDI-Updates – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring this Levelling Up. In this blog, Carolin Ioramashvili, Kelvin Humphreys and Simon Collinson examine the promise to boost Government … Continue reading “Less is More? Will the Levelling Up White Paper Rebalance the Regional Distribution of R&D Spending?”

Mobilising the Power of Universities in Levelling-Up: A new Universities and Regions Policy Forum

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates aims to get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring levelling up. In this blog, Professor John Goddard, with Rebecca Riley, Professor Anne Green, Professor … Continue reading “Mobilising the Power of Universities in Levelling-Up: A new Universities and Regions Policy Forum”

Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To

Welcome to REDI-Updates – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring this Levelling Up. In this blog, Dr Abigail Taylor looks at how the UK’s approach to levelling up compares … Continue reading “Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To”

REDI-Updates 3: The Challenge of Implementing, Understanding and Measuring “Levelling Up”

Welcome to REDI-Updates – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring Levelling Up. In this blog, Professor Simon Collinson and Ben Brittain outline what’s in the latest edition of REDI … Continue reading “REDI-Updates 3: The Challenge of Implementing, Understanding and Measuring “Levelling Up””

The Future of Towns and Cities After Coronavirus

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Rebecca Riley looks at the economic, … Continue reading “The Future of Towns and Cities After Coronavirus”

Lifelong Learning: A Current and Future Imperative

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Dr Abigail Taylor discusses the importance … Continue reading “Lifelong Learning: A Current and Future Imperative”

Tackling Worklessness: A Focus on Young People

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Professor Anne Green looks at youth … Continue reading “Tackling Worklessness: A Focus on Young People”

Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. In this article, Professor Simon Collinson discusses the role … Continue reading “Supporting Regional Resilience Through the Pandemic and Beyond”

The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19

Welcome to the second edition of REDI Updates. Recently we spoke to the Rt Hon Chris Pincher MP, Housing Minister at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, about the role housebuilding has in the UK’s recovery from COVID-19. Here’s what he said: This has been the most testing period in recent history. But … Continue reading “The REDI Interview: The Role of Housebuilding in the UK’s Recovery From COVID-19”

REDI-Updates 2: Editor’s Welcome: After COVID-19 – The Long Recovery

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss some of the key topics when trying to understand the long-term economic impacts of the pandemic. When the last edition of REDI-Updates was published COVID-19 … Continue reading “REDI-Updates 2: Editor’s Welcome: After COVID-19 – The Long Recovery”