Devolution: Are cities on track in the worst of times?

Regardless of the arguments for and against, the subject of devolution is here to stay. The unprecedented interest levels in the EU Referendum meant that record numbers of people voted, and at its core, this was a reflection on devolution, and who makes decisions on our behalf. So, how far has devolution come? In a … Continue reading “Devolution: Are cities on track in the worst of times?”

Reflections on democracy – How far have we come since 1918?

Over the years I have written a number of blogs on democracy and voting, and with the 100 year anniversary, I wanted to take some time to reflect on progress.  As someone who grew up thinking everyone was taught at school about the suffragist and suffragette movements, it continues to astound me how we take … Continue reading “Reflections on democracy – How far have we come since 1918?”

All systems go! The UK Evaluation Society – Midlands Regional Network has now finally launched!

On the 7th December 2017, a launch event was held for the UK Evaluation Society – Midlands Regional Network. The event, held at the University of Birmingham, provided an opportunity for the steering group to put faces to names and explore what type of network members would like. Around twenty members of the network were able … Continue reading “All systems go! The UK Evaluation Society – Midlands Regional Network has now finally launched!”

Clusters, and the research opportunity of Big Data – finding better ways to assess a specialised economy

Last year, NIESR, SpazioDati and City REDI were commissioned by the then Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to generate new evidence on UK industrial clusters and to test the potentials and limitations of Big Data techniques applied to the study of the topic. Reflecting back on this work its findings are especially relevant when … Continue reading “Clusters, and the research opportunity of Big Data – finding better ways to assess a specialised economy”

The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 – Economic climate and context for Birmingham

The Birmingham Economic Review was produced in October 2017 by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the future. Over the next few weeks, we will be … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 – Economic climate and context for Birmingham”

UK Evaluation Society is launching a Midlands Regional Network

The UK Evaluation Society (UKES) is launching a Midlands Regional Network with City-REDI as a founding institutional member as part of its commitment to building analytical capability in the region. The Society exists to promote and improve the theory, practice, understanding and utilisation of evaluation and its contribution to public knowledge and to promote cross-sector … Continue reading “UK Evaluation Society is launching a Midlands Regional Network”

New York to Birmingham – why the Birmingham Economic Review matters internationally

Writing economic reviews is a fine art. There is a delicate balance to be struck between the realistic representation of a place and developing our understanding so we can improve it, painting a picture which does not undermine that which we wish to improve. City-REDI and the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Chambers launched the Birmingham … Continue reading “New York to Birmingham – why the Birmingham Economic Review matters internationally”

City-REDI/PA Consulting ESRC-IAA workshop on developing an innovative and collaborative approach to localised industrial strategy delivery for the West Midlands

On October 18th City-REDI and PA Consulting hosted a workshop with key regional stakeholders on the progress of an ESRC-Impact Acceleration Account project to test the feasibility of applying PA Consulting’s COMPETE model at the subnational level. In this blog, Tasos Kitsos reports on the day and next steps. An informative and very productive workshop … Continue reading “City-REDI/PA Consulting ESRC-IAA workshop on developing an innovative and collaborative approach to localised industrial strategy delivery for the West Midlands”

City REDI round up

It’s been a busy month for the City-REDI team. Here’s a round-up of what we’ve been up to… Local and Central Government:   On the invitation of the Mayor of Birmingham, Andy Street, Professor Simon Collinson has joined the ‘West Midlands Funding for Growth Commission’. The Commission met on Monday 4th September 2017 and will work … Continue reading “City REDI round up”

AnalystFEST #2 event report

City-REDI and Black Country Consortium co-hosted the second of our Analystfest events, aimed at bringing together researchers and analysts from across the region. The session focused on the West Midlands Performance Monitoring Framework and the latest ‘State of the Region’ about to be published. The purpose of the event was to review the document and content … Continue reading “AnalystFEST #2 event report”