Birmingham: Future Prospects – Short Term Pain, Long Term Potential

With the release of more economic data on the period impacted by the pandemic, Rebecca Riley looks at the forecasts being built from this data, and what they say about Birmingham. This blog post was produced for inclusion in the Birmingham Economic Review for 2022.  The annual Birmingham Economic Review is produced by the University … Continue reading “Birmingham: Future Prospects – Short Term Pain, Long Term Potential”

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Autumn Statement 2022: Implications for Research, Development and Innovation

Kelvin Humphreys looks at the impact of the Autumn Statement on Research, Development and Innovation in the UK. Last week’s Autumn Statement set the scene for £30bn in spending cuts and £25bn in tax rises to plug a £55bn hole in the public finances by 2027/28. All departments except for health and social care and … Continue reading “Autumn Statement 2022: Implications for Research, Development and Innovation”

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West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 25 November 2022

This fortnight we saw another budget announcement, which has highlighted the global and national economic situation post pandemic and makes it difficult to read, we have a full summary of activities and an assessment of some of the implications for the region. PMI is reflecting the low current business confidence, as energy prices rise, and … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 25 November 2022”

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Key Facts and Figures About the Graduate Technical Workforce

Kostas Kollydas and Anne Green explore the demographics of the UK’s graduate technical workforce and the wider equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) challenges the workforce faces.   This blog was originally posted on the HEPI website and is part of series with Midlands Innovation championing the role of technicians in higher education and research. Midlands Innovation is … Continue reading “Key Facts and Figures About the Graduate Technical Workforce”

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Birmingham Economic Review Data Dashboards

  City-REDI / WMREDI, University of Birmingham launches a new set of data dashboards to accompany the Birmingham Economic Review 2022. The dashboards provide data insights for Birmingham’s GVA, unemployment rate and CO2 emissions. The Birmingham Economic Review data dashboards are part of the WMREDI Data Lab. The Birmingham Economic Review is an in-depth exploration … Continue reading “Birmingham Economic Review Data Dashboards”

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The Autumn Statement – The Impact on the West Midlands

Alice Pugh takes an in-depth look at the Autumn Statement and what it means for the West Midlands. For futher analysis see: The Autumn Statement – Key Announcements The Autumn Statement was finally released last week detailing government tax and spending plans. The budget comes at a time of significant political and economic turbulence. The … Continue reading “The Autumn Statement – The Impact on the West Midlands”

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Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game

With the Qatar World Cup just underway, Matt Lyons takes a look at the costs of the megaevent for Qatar, and what the potential benefits might be for the host country. The Qatar World Cup kicked off (sorry) yesterday and an estimated 1.2 million visitors will visit the first Middle East nation to host the … Continue reading “Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game”

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Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills

Anne Green and Abigail Taylor discuss their new project with Connecting Futures to identify, describe and map funding flows from national to local areas for youth employment and skills. Visit the Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills webpage. Background The Connected Futures Fund (CFF) is a £16 million fund from the Youth Futures … Continue reading “Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills”

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Megatrends in the West Midlands – Future Business District Podcast

What are megatrends? Megatrends are major movements, patterns or trends that have a transformative impact on the economy, business, society, cultures and personal lives. In a series of podcasts, City-REDI / WMREDI, University of Birmingham examines the impacts of megatrends in the West Midlands, by speaking to a series of experts from the region. In … Continue reading “Megatrends in the West Midlands – Future Business District Podcast”

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