Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions

Professor John Bryson on reading City-Regions during his time in Dubai I am here in Dubai for ten days. I am an academic interested in place and space. As a student of place and space, it is important to experience many different places to try to understand the on-going evolution of the international economy. Most … Continue reading “Unravelling the “Dubai Intertwingularity”: Reading City Regions”

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The Future of Work during an Era of Disruptive Process and Technological Change : Reflections on a Debate held at the University of Birmingham Dubai

Further reflections by Professor John Bryson on his time in Dubai Futures matter. But the future is the future and not the now. We are living with uncertainty – uncertain lives, uncertain futures. Capitalism is an evolving system of value creation. Central to capitalism is a process that transforms inputs in to new forms of … Continue reading “The Future of Work during an Era of Disruptive Process and Technological Change : Reflections on a Debate held at the University of Birmingham Dubai”

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Incubators, accelerators and local economic development

Dr Max Nathan writes about how incubators and accelerators, both widely used forms of business support in the tech sector, can be applied to a range of other industries. This blog originally appeared on the LSE CEP Urban and Spatial Programme Blog, found here I’ve written a new CEP Discussion Paper on co-working, incubators, accelerators … Continue reading “Incubators, accelerators and local economic development”

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ESRC funding award: Researching resilience at the local level

In this blog, Tasos Kitsos launches his ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship on regional economic resilience. It is with great pleasure that I announce the launch of this ESRC fellowship. In 2008, a severe economic crisis hit economies around the world. Its effects included a significant loss of GDP and employment which led to several social ills … Continue reading “ESRC funding award: Researching resilience at the local level”

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Birmingham Economic Review 2018 – Launch Event

City-REDI and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce are working together to produce the Birmingham Economic Review for 2018. This annual review is an in-depth exploration of the economy of England’s second city and is a high-quality resource for organisations seeking to understand the city to inform research, policy or investment decisions. The 2018 edition is being … Continue reading “Birmingham Economic Review 2018 – Launch Event”

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City-REDI at the Party Conferences

City-REDI is delighted to be hosting fringe events at this year’s Labour and Conservative Party Conferences on the theme of Brexit. Findings from the University of Birmingham suggest that the UK’s cities and regions which voted for Brexit are also the most economically dependent on EU markets for their prosperity and viability. With differing sectoral … Continue reading “City-REDI at the Party Conferences”

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European Regional Science Association Congress 2018: A celebration of research and all things Irish

This year’s ERSA congress was held in the vibrant city of Cork and the great facilities of University College Cork. Below, is my experience of it. Four days of very interesting speeches, lots of information to absorb and countless new avenues to progress my research. This would be one sentence summarising my involvement in the … Continue reading “European Regional Science Association Congress 2018: A celebration of research and all things Irish”

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“Made in China 2025” – Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade

This piece was written by Godfrey Yeung, an Associate Professor of Economic Geography at the National University of Singapore. “Made in China 2025” has appeared in the public media frequently during the last few months, partly due to ongoing trade disputes between the US and China. What is it and should anyone outside China concern it? … Continue reading ““Made in China 2025” – Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade”

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A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne

Last month, a team from City-REDI attended the 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography. In this blog, Dr Tasos Kitsos provides a summary of the conference along with details of his current work.  The 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography took place in sunny and hot Cologne, the German Carnival capital, 24-28 July. The conference attracted … Continue reading “A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne”

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