Long COVID: Job Loss, Work Hours and Mental Health of Workers

Darja Reuschke explains some of the key findings of her latest paper with Donald Houston and Paul Sissons on the impacts of Long COVID on workers. Context COVID-19 infections are on the rise again. While for some, the symptoms will be flu-like, for others, an infection with the virus will cause long-term illness. By the … Continue reading “Long COVID: Job Loss, Work Hours and Mental Health of Workers”

It’s the Pandemic, Stupid. Understanding Rising Economic Inactivity in the UK.

Donald Houston discusses research undertaken with colleagues at the ONS on economic inactivity in the UK. This blog is part of a series looking at the UK Labour Market. See also: – Why are the Over-50s Leaving the Workforce?- Labour Market Flows and Future Participation Flows – What Are the Current Challenges in the UK … Continue reading “It’s the Pandemic, Stupid. Understanding Rising Economic Inactivity in the UK.”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12th May 2023

Latest results suggest business conditions continue to remain challenging, but estimates show small signs of positive improvement for some measures; examples include a stable proportion of businesses reporting they were able to get materials, goods and services from within the UK, and more businesses reported having fewer concerns for their business. Both the Institute of Chartered … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 12th May 2023”

The Pandemic Hangover

In this blog, Rebecca Riley, Administrative Director, City-REDI / WM REDI looks at the long term health impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic.  At the moment we are dealing with the short term impacts of the pandemic and the effect of the interventions that are being put in place and this is potentially only the beginning … Continue reading “The Pandemic Hangover”