UK Regional Productivity Variations and What Might be Driving These

Over the past decade, the gap between the UK’s productivity performance and other OECD countries has been widening. This is due to unusually slow growth rates in UK productivity since 2010 in spite of rising employment, leading to what has been termed the UK’s ‘productivity puzzle’. Within the UK, there are also vast variations in … Continue reading “UK Regional Productivity Variations and What Might be Driving These”

Dr Charlotte Hoole returns to City-REDI

I’m excited to return to City-REDI after temporarily parting ways to take up the opportunity to be an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow. Here’s a quick summary of what I’ve been doing whilst I’ve been away and what I’ll be working on now I’m back. As an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, I was very fortunate to be able … Continue reading “Dr Charlotte Hoole returns to City-REDI”