Reflections on democracy – How far have we come since 1918?

Over the years I have written a number of blogs on democracy and voting, and with the 100 year anniversary, I wanted to take some time to reflect on progress.  As someone who grew up thinking everyone was taught at school about the suffragist and suffragette movements, it continues to astound me how we take … Continue reading “Reflections on democracy – How far have we come since 1918?”

Clusters, and the research opportunity of Big Data – finding better ways to assess a specialised economy

Last year, NIESR, SpazioDati and City REDI were commissioned by the then Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to generate new evidence on UK industrial clusters and to test the potentials and limitations of Big Data techniques applied to the study of the topic. Reflecting back on this work its findings are especially relevant when … Continue reading “Clusters, and the research opportunity of Big Data – finding better ways to assess a specialised economy”

Is the government’s new industrial strategy really a game changer?

The blog was first published in the NS Tech, part of the New Statesman. The reality is when dealing with productivity there are fundamental drivers academia and policy have recognised for a long time, so making the next iteration of policy different and new is incredibly hard. The government’s industrial strategy white paper is no different; there is … Continue reading “Is the government’s new industrial strategy really a game changer?”