West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 30 May 2024

This month brings news of a General Election on 4 July, following on from the May local elections where Labour won 9 out of 10 mayoral elections, including in the West Midlands. This is happening against the backdrop of global growth rates above 3% and inflation falling rapidly globally. In the UK, the Consumer Prices … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 30 May 2024”

Britain the ‘World’s Worst on Homelessness’ – What About the West Midlands?

The UK has the highest rates of homelessness in the developed world, with a significant increase over the past 14 years, particularly in the West Midlands. Alongside the physical, emotional and psychological impact it has on the individual, homelessness creates a substantial financial burden on local authorities, with Birmingham having the highest temporary accommodation expenses … Continue reading “Britain the ‘World’s Worst on Homelessness’ – What About the West Midlands?”

Getting our Transport System Closer to the Standards of London

Adam Harrison, Principal Transport Policy and Strategy Officer, Transport for West Midlands discusses how we can make our transport systems in the region better and stronger for our communities. This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review 2023. The review is produced by City-REDI/ WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers … Continue reading “Getting our Transport System Closer to the Standards of London”

The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis and The Issue of Deprivation in Birmingham

Simone Connolly, CEO, FareShare Midlands discusses the impact of the cost of living crisis in Birmingham, with large increases in the numbers of people turning to them for help.  This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review, published in September 2023.  The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and … Continue reading “The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis and The Issue of Deprivation in Birmingham”

The Demand and Challenges of the Sprint Public Transport System in Birmingham

Sara Hassan and Magda Cepeda-Zorrilla discuss whether a Bus Rapid Transit system could help reduce passenger travel times. This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth exploration of the economy of … Continue reading “The Demand and Challenges of the Sprint Public Transport System in Birmingham”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024

A slow Christmas for retailers hints at the continuing issues with sluggish growth seen globally, with forecasts struggling to revise upwards. A continuing bumpy ride for China is having global ramifications. Food prices are rising, as are those goods most affected by Brexit. Future prospects for the West Midlands seem mixed. Growth outlook The World … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024”

International Students in the West Midlands: Economic Impact and the Challenges of Graduate Retention

Summer intern Dimas Almaruf presents the second part of a two-part series of blogs on the economic impact of international students in the UK. Part II discusses the challenges faced by international students upon their graduation from British universities. View part I – International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications … Continue reading “International Students in the West Midlands: Economic Impact and the Challenges of Graduate Retention”

Companies at Risk of Insolvency in West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)

Reen Blake-Carr investigates the number of businesses that are in danger of insolvency in the WMCA and discusses some of the factors that might be causing this issue. Much like how the UK is suffering record levels of insolvencies from multiple economic shocks like Covid, the cost-of-living crises and rampant inflation -so has the WMCA. … Continue reading “Companies at Risk of Insolvency in West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)”

International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications

Summer intern Dimas Almaruf presents the first part of a two-part series of blogs on the economic impact of international students in the UK. Part I sets the scene by providing the number of students in the region. Introduction The United Kingdom has long been a favourite destination for international students to pursue their higher … Continue reading “International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications”

Economic Inactivity in the West Midlands

Anne Green examines rates of economic inactivity in the West Midlands. Who is inactive and why?  This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review 2023. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth exploration of the economy of England’s … Continue reading “Economic Inactivity in the West Midlands”