Regional Input-Output Group Meeting

se On the 26th of April, City-REDI hosted a gathering for those interested in the development and application of regional input-output (IO) techniques in the UK. Matt Lyons summarizes the papers shared and the discussions had about the shared challenges and opportunities for researchers in the field. It is an exciting time for an input-output … Continue reading “Regional Input-Output Group Meeting”

Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game

With the Qatar World Cup just underway, Matt Lyons takes a look at the costs of the megaevent for Qatar, and what the potential benefits might be for the host country. The Qatar World Cup kicked off (sorry) yesterday and an estimated 1.2 million visitors will visit the first Middle East nation to host the … Continue reading “Qatar World Cup 2022: Counting the Cost of the Beautiful Game”

An Early Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games

Dr Matt Lyons provides an early assessment of the economic impact of the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games. The Commonwealth Games have kicked off in Birmingham and the buzz about the city has been infectious. Spectators have flocked to events to see elite athletes compete and/or to see the supporting art exhibits like the giant mechanical … Continue reading “An Early Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games”

The Wider Impacts of Cutting 91,000 Civil Service Jobs

The Government had recently proposed a cut in Civil Services jobs in an attempt to save £3.5 billion. Dr Matthew Lyons and Professor Anne Green consider the regional economic impact of the proposed cut of 91,000 civil servants and its consequences for levelling up. Introduction The civil service has been in the spotlight of UK … Continue reading “The Wider Impacts of Cutting 91,000 Civil Service Jobs”

The ‘2020 Shock’ on the Midlands Automotive Sector

Matt Lyons and Raquel Ortega-Argiles provide an analysis of the economic impact of Brexit and Covid-19 on the automotive sector in the Midlands during 2020. View our Midlands Engine Observatory project page The automotive industry remains an integral part of the national economy. The automotive industry is one of the UK’s major employers, supporting over … Continue reading “The ‘2020 Shock’ on the Midlands Automotive Sector”

Meet Matt Lyons, City-REDI / WMREDI’s New Research Fellow

I joined the City-REDI team as a research fellow in May 2021. The focus of my role is to develop and exploit the economic modelling capabilities of the institute. Prior to joining City-REDI, I have had the opportunity to work with different organisations across diverse research areas. In 2018, I worked at a London-based not-for-profit … Continue reading “Meet Matt Lyons, City-REDI / WMREDI’s New Research Fellow”