Towards a Civic University: Unpacking the Role of PhD Study in Personal Development, Professional Practice, and the World We Live In

In our latest blog, Hannes Read draws on the evidence review from the Review of the Economic and Social Value Produced through Funding PhD Students report as part of the National Civic Impact Accelerator. This blog was first posted on the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) website. The four main audiences for this blog are … Continue reading “Towards a Civic University: Unpacking the Role of PhD Study in Personal Development, Professional Practice, and the World We Live In”

General Election 2024: Whatever Happened to Levelling Up?

Hannes Read and Abigail Taylor look at how in the 2024 election campaign, ‘levelling up’, the initiative to address regional inequalities, has been largely neglected by major parties, despite its ongoing importance. The phrase ‘levelling up’ – which refers to tackling inequality between places – has been cast aside in the 2024 election campaign. There has … Continue reading “General Election 2024: Whatever Happened to Levelling Up?”

CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)

On 22nd May 2024, City-REDI hosted its seventh biannual research symposium. The in-person event featured various presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the institute’s research diversity. This blog from Hannes Read provides an overview of research from the event and his ten top takeaways. Readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information on … Continue reading “CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)”

“Breathing Life Into Britain’s High Streets”: What Hope Have We Got?

In our latest blog, Hannes Read looks at the Labour Party’s short-term intervention proposals like banking hubs and addressing shoplifting alongside their long-term changes such as reforming business rates to favour high street commerce. The Labour Party are firmly on the election hunt. Quickly off the back of the announcement of Labour’s “five missions” for … Continue reading ““Breathing Life Into Britain’s High Streets”: What Hope Have We Got?”

Confessions of an Early Career Evaluator of the Year (Aged 27 and Three Quarters)

Johannes Read discusses his career so far and how it has changed in ways he didn’t think were possible, allowing him to create impact and change to become an Evaluator. This article was originally published in the Evaluator. Find out more about our Evaluation Lab. I came into this profession two years ago not knowing … Continue reading “Confessions of an Early Career Evaluator of the Year (Aged 27 and Three Quarters)”

The Devil and the Detail: The Two Things Hiding Behind the UK Levelling Up Fund

Whilst the Levelling Up Fund provides much-needed support for local regions, Hannes Read discusses two issues with the programme. The patchwork delivery of funding and a lack of focus on how the funds are spent. The continued patchwork approach to regional economic development is the devil behind the Levelling Up Fund. Despite the roots of … Continue reading “The Devil and the Detail: The Two Things Hiding Behind the UK Levelling Up Fund”

The Importance of In-Person Events in the age of Hybrid Working: City-REDI Research Symposium

On 17th January, City-REDI held the City-REDI Research Symposium. Johannes Read summaries each presentation and discusses the positive outcomes of the event. In the age of hybrid working, in-person events have taken on a new meaning. These events curate the chance to connect, share, and collaborate. At City-REDI, the City-REDI Research Symposium (CRRESY) is the … Continue reading “The Importance of In-Person Events in the age of Hybrid Working: City-REDI Research Symposium”

Maximising Universities’ Role in the Local Economy: Evaluating the Impact of Student Knowledge Exchange

Johannes Read and Birindar Kaur Bahia evaluate the impact of the Student Knowledge Exchange Re-Imagined – Removing Barriers, Engaging Communities project, led by Keele University and the University of Birmingham. Universities’ Role in Exchanging Knowledge in the Economy Universities make a significant impact on the local and regional economy. Not only do university staff teach … Continue reading “Maximising Universities’ Role in the Local Economy: Evaluating the Impact of Student Knowledge Exchange”

Evaluating the Local Economic Impacts of Student Knowledge Exchange

Johannes Read discusses the Impact Tool, developed to analyse the impact of student-led knowledge exchange on the local economy. The Student Knowledge Exchange Re-Imagined- Removing Barriers, Engaging Communities project is funded by the Office for Students and Research England, to improve the engagement of under-represented groups and the not-for-profit sector to remove barriers and engage … Continue reading “Evaluating the Local Economic Impacts of Student Knowledge Exchange”

Megatrends in the West Midlands: The ‘New Normal’ Must Embrace ‘Building Back Better’

Johannes Read delves into how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people and businesses work in the city centre as the UK emerges from the crisis. This article is part of a larger project looking at Megatrends in the West Midlands. Megatrends are major movements or patterns or trends that are having a transformative … Continue reading “Megatrends in the West Midlands: The ‘New Normal’ Must Embrace ‘Building Back Better’”