Launch of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory

The Midlands Engine Economic Observatory is part of the Midlands Engine, a partnership of local and combined authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships, universities and businesses working together in new and transformative ways to invigorate the £207 billion Midlands economy. Home to over 10 million people and 440,000 large and small businesses, the Midlands has huge potential … Continue reading “Launch of the Midlands Engine Economic Observatory”

Immigration in Developed Economies

Last year, economists across the political spectrum in the United States signed a petition to the US government in support of an immigration policy that would welcome more rather than fewer immigrants.  However, the current US administration seemed to feel that the opinions of these “so-called experts” (a similar denigration of economists as in the … Continue reading “Immigration in Developed Economies”

City-REDI Presents Evidence at Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural Health and Social Care – 30th October 2018

In our last blog, “Professor Anne Green Presents City-REDI Research at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care” we described the research City-REDI and Rose Generation completed this summer on issues around recruitment and retention of NHS and care workers in rural areas and described the aims of the new … Continue reading “City-REDI Presents Evidence at Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural Health and Social Care – 30th October 2018”

Autumn Budget 2018: Good news for Economic Growth in the West Midlands?

Since the announcement of the Autumn Budget by Philip Hammond on Monday there has been a raft of analysis at the national level regarding what the budget means. In particular, attention has focused on Hammond’s claim that the era of austerity is “finally coming to an end”, the introduction of a £1,000 increase in Universal … Continue reading “Autumn Budget 2018: Good news for Economic Growth in the West Midlands?”

Professor Simon Collinson Interviewed this Morning on Radio 4: What does the Future of Regional Economic Development look like for the Midlands Ahead of Today’s Budget?

Professor Simon Collinson was on Radio 4’s Today Programme this morning talking about regional economic development in the Midlands in a pre-budget special. In the live interview, recorded in the control tower at East Midland’s Airport, the business editor, Dominic O’Connell focussed on regional growth, likely outcomes of the budget and the future of retail. He … Continue reading “Professor Simon Collinson Interviewed this Morning on Radio 4: What does the Future of Regional Economic Development look like for the Midlands Ahead of Today’s Budget?”

Trick or treat? What will probably be in the 2018 Budget – and what ought to be

Find out what was accurate about this forecast – and what wasn’t – by tuning into Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday morning. City-REDI’s Professor Simon Collinson will be one of the guests, discussing the budget and what it means for the country in what promises to be a tumultuous year ahead. There’s been plenty … Continue reading “Trick or treat? What will probably be in the 2018 Budget – and what ought to be”

City-REDI Fringe Event at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham: Overcoming the Challenges of Brexit at Local Level

With the Conservative Party Conference once again taking place in Birmingham, City-REDI held a fringe event on ‘overcoming the challenges of Brexit at local level’ on the 2nd of October. The discussions were around what the impact of leaving the EU will be on public policy, city regions, housing and jobs. On the panel we … Continue reading “City-REDI Fringe Event at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham: Overcoming the Challenges of Brexit at Local Level”

#BER18 – Launch of the Birmingham Economic Review 2018

Businesspeople, policymakers and academics from Birmingham and the rest of the West Midlands gathered last Friday for the launch of the Birmingham Economic Review 2018. Delegates were posting their thoughts about the report – as well as the new Edgbaston Park Hotel which hosted the event – using the hashtag #BER18 on Twitter. The report … Continue reading “#BER18 – Launch of the Birmingham Economic Review 2018”

City-REDI and Rose Regeneration Present Research on Rural Workforce Issues at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care

On the 16th October 2018, City-REDI and Rose Regeneration presented their research at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care. The two organisations were commissioned by Jan Sobieraj, Chief Executive of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust to undertake work over the summer looking into rural workforce issues in health and care as part … Continue reading “City-REDI and Rose Regeneration Present Research on Rural Workforce Issues at the Parliamentary Launch of the National Centre for Rural Health and Care”

A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne

Last month, a team from City-REDI attended the 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography. In this blog, Dr Tasos Kitsos provides a summary of the conference along with details of his current work.  The 2018 Global Conference on Economic Geography took place in sunny and hot Cologne, the German Carnival capital, 24-28 July. The conference attracted … Continue reading “A parade of great research in the ‘Rio De Janeiro of the Northern Hemisphere’: Reflections from the Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018 in Cologne”