Capitalising on the Growing Army of Volunteers in the West Midlands During COVID-19

In this Blog, George Bramley discusses how volunteering can help people find, or get back into, long term employment. Volunteering as a response to COVID-19 There has been significant media coverage on the number of NHS Volunteer respondents recruited in response to COVID-19 before recruitment was suspended at 750,000 volunteers nationally so that applications could … Continue reading “Capitalising on the Growing Army of Volunteers in the West Midlands During COVID-19”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd May 2020

WM REDI has been tasked with providing an up to date monitor of the current COVID-19 economic impacts, on a weekly basis. These reports will help regional partners to shape responses and interventions to boost the region’s resilience so that it can thrive going forward. Each week the focus of the report is based on … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 22nd May 2020”

Resilience and Inclusive Growth: Two Faces of the Same Dice?

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss various topics, with this first publication focusing on how inclusive growth can be a tool to tackle regional imbalances across the UK.  In this article, Dr Anastasios … Continue reading “Resilience and Inclusive Growth: Two Faces of the Same Dice?”

West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th May 2020

WM REDI has been tasked with providing an up to date monitor of the current COVID-19 economic impacts, on a weekly basis. These reports will help regional partners to shape responses and interventions to boost the region’s resilience so that it can thrive going forward. Each week the focus of the report is based on … Continue reading “West Midlands Weekly Economic Impact Monitor – 15th May 2020”

REDI to Debate – The Effect of COVID-19 on Levelling-Up and the Government’s Green Book

Welcome to REDI to Debate in the first edition of REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates is a bi-annual publication which will get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. WM REDI staff and guest contributors will discuss various topics, with this first publication focusing on how inclusive growth can be a tool to tackle regional imbalances … Continue reading “REDI to Debate – The Effect of COVID-19 on Levelling-Up and the Government’s Green Book”

Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Lessons for Cities From International Examples

In this blog, Taichi Kato explains Sustainable Development Goals, why they are important for cities and how they can be implemented. The “Sustainable Development Goals” or “SDGs” for short. You probably have come across this term recently on the news, at school, or perhaps in your workplace. Indeed, an increasing number of local governments have … Continue reading “Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Lessons for Cities From International Examples”

COVID-19 Diversification Measures: What Local and Regional Governments Can Do?

COVID-19 and Brexit are putting our value chains in danger. How can an economic diversification strategy help in this process? And what can local and regional governments do about it? COVID-19 and Brexit are affecting the UK industrial fabric in different ways, but in particular, the sudden deglobalisation effects they create can lead to trade … Continue reading “COVID-19 Diversification Measures: What Local and Regional Governments Can Do?”

REDI-Updates 1: Editor’s Welcome: Inclusive Growth Is More Important Than Ever

Foreword – by Simon Collinson and Ben Brittain When we began writing this, our first edition of REDI-Updates, the Covid-19 pandemic was a small and distant threat. A local crisis limited to a single city-region in China. The world has changed dramatically since then. As we re-focus our research efforts and our analytics towards projects … Continue reading “REDI-Updates 1: Editor’s Welcome: Inclusive Growth Is More Important Than Ever”

Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part III): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – The Sectoral Effects of a Lockdown

Like any good Hollywood blockbuster you can think of, here we finish the trilogy of blogs related to the economic exposure to COVID-19 of the West Midlands’ sectors [1]. If you are still reading this series and you are not overwhelmed yet by the amount of information (and disinformation) related to the pandemic, I hope … Continue reading “Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part III): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – The Sectoral Effects of a Lockdown”

Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part II): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Demand for Health Services: The Invisible Indirect Workers

This is the second blog in a series on the economic exposure of the West Midlands region [1] to COVID-19. The first article talked about the effect on the main sectors and the employment depending on foreign trade, in an eventual case of international borders closure. You can read the first blog here. The second … Continue reading “Economic Exposure to COVID-19 (Part II): The Situation in the West Midlands Region – Demand for Health Services: The Invisible Indirect Workers”