Reflections from Rebecca Riley on the world of work for International Women’s day 2017. As a woman, I find the attitude that women are a problem to be solved frustrating as it sees half of the population as an issue to be dealt with, a generalisation which of course isn’t true. As someone interested in … Continue reading “The problem with women; versus the solution of women”
Category: Research
Data from the producer perspective: Two days with the ONS
City-REDI’s Tasos Kitsos is back from attending the International Economic Statistics Conference hosted by ONS. Here he provides a round-up of his experience. These are some of my favourite ingredients for a conference; A line-up of great speakers, An audience full of interesting people, A great balance between talking, debating, questioning and breaking up for … Continue reading “Data from the producer perspective: Two days with the ONS”
Research on Economic Resilience in UK Local Authority Districts
Since the 2008 downturn, ‘resilience’ as a concept has re-entered daily discussions in both policy and academia. The notion of a place which is able to grow despite what lies in its path however, though very appealing, has proven exceptionally difficult. Here, City-REDI’s Tasos Kitsos discusses the findings of his latest research paper which can be … Continue reading “Research on Economic Resilience in UK Local Authority Districts”
AnalystFEST post-event review: “Standing Room Only!”
In this post, Tasos Kitsos provides a round-up of City-REDI’s AnalystFEST event which took place last week. The event brought together policy and academic researchers in the West Midlands to celebrate the use of evidence. This was an activity packed day that provided the chance for a number of high profile speakers to reflect on … Continue reading “AnalystFEST post-event review: “Standing Room Only!””
AnalystFEST Event
The City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI), University of Birmingham, is delighted to host their free event ‘AnalystFEST’ on Tuesday 24 January 2017, 9.00am-3.00pm, at the University of Birmingham. This event aims to bring together policy and academic researchers in the West Midlands and make links to national researchers, to celebrate the use of evidence. With the aim … Continue reading “AnalystFEST Event”
Urban Living Birmingham: Challenges facing the City
The Urban Living Birmingham (ULB) Consortium brings together the expertise of four universities (University of Birmingham, Birmingham City, Aston and Warwick); working in partnership with public, private and third sector agencies. ULB is funded by RCUK via the Urban Living Partnership initiative and Innovate UK. There are over 40 project partners or stakeholders working with … Continue reading “Urban Living Birmingham: Challenges facing the City”
USE-IT!: Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together
Here @CityREDI in collaboration with CURS we are pleased to announce our successful bid for EU Urban Innovative Actions funding as part of a consortium led by Birmingham City Council. This is a great win for Birmingham and the University, being one of only 18 projects awarded approval out of over 350 applications. Other winners include Barcelona, … Continue reading “USE-IT!: Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together”
Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development
City-REDI, in collaboration with KPMG, hosted their event ‘Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development’ this month as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Sciences. The Dynamic Economic Impact Model (DEIM) is being developed by KPMG and City-REDI for the … Continue reading “Bricks, Concrete and Steel – A look at Birmingham’s future commercial and residential property and local infrastructure development”
Highlights from the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Annual Conference 2016
Following the launch of their annual report at the House of Lords in September 2016, Deans and directors from UK business schools were brought back together this week to host the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ largest ever Annual Conference. Here, City-REDI’s Prof. Simon Collinson – Director of City-REDI and Chair of the Chartered Association … Continue reading “Highlights from the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Annual Conference 2016”
Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and City REDI Birmingham Economic Review 2016 Launch Event
The Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, in conjunction with City-REDI, launched their 2016 Economic Review of Birmingham on 1st November. Here City-REDI’s Catherine Harris provides a summary of the event. GBCC Chief Executive Paul Faulkner provided a welcome to the event which focussed on the three parts of the report. 1) The Structure and Geography … Continue reading “Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and City REDI Birmingham Economic Review 2016 Launch Event”