Visualising Research

Last month Birmingham Business School hosted the annual Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium which invited young researchers from the regions universities (Aston, Warwick, Nottingham, Loughborough and Birmingham Business Schools) to present their research. It was a busy day, with four concurrent streams covering papers from Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing scholars. The keynote speech delivered … Continue reading “Visualising Research”

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“Article 218(11) TFEU, Opinion 2/15” or “Herding European Cats” and Post-Brexit Negotiations? The European Commission and the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. Managing academics is often described as a process that is more akin to herding cats – in other words, academics are impossible to manage, or perhaps very difficult to manage and their management is perhaps more akin to a process of negotiation. The more parties … Continue reading ““Article 218(11) TFEU, Opinion 2/15” or “Herding European Cats” and Post-Brexit Negotiations? The European Commission and the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements”

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The United Kingdom – Free Trade Nation or Foolish Nation? Beyond the Limitations of the Brexit Debate

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. I returned from Singapore recently having missed the media discussions of the results of the UK local elections. Nevertheless, the papers, radio and television are saturated with coverage of the June general election and Brexit. As I write this, the radio is on in the … Continue reading “The United Kingdom – Free Trade Nation or Foolish Nation? Beyond the Limitations of the Brexit Debate”

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General Election 2017: Edgbaston Constituency Candidate Hustings

Local residents will have the chance to question the candidates standing for the Edgbaston seat in the General Election at our hustings taking place from 18:00 – 19:30 on Tuesday 30 May in the Elgar Concert Hall, Bramall Music Building. Following 20 years as the constituency’s MP, Gisela Stuart (Labour) is stepping down from Parliament … Continue reading “General Election 2017: Edgbaston Constituency Candidate Hustings”

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Welcoming our new City Orchestrators – enabling the music to play on, play loud and play far

The mayoral role is influencing, lobbying, persuading, networking, bringing people together and seeing possibilities, but it is also banging heads on occasion. A mayor is a conductor… at the centre of a network of institutions, bringing them together effectively and drawing on the ability of the wider organisations when needed. This is a unique centre … Continue reading “Welcoming our new City Orchestrators – enabling the music to play on, play loud and play far”

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Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. This week is one spent in Singapore and this provides an opportunity and a stimulus to reflect on the relationship between Brexit, the UK and the example set by Singapore. Singapore comes with associations of free trade, global finance, a major Asian centre, integrated approaches … Continue reading “Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence”

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Andy Street’s To-Do List: Challenges for the New WMCA Mayor

In this blog, Professor Simon Collinson, City-REDI, discusses the challenges facing the new WMCA Mayor. By a narrow margin on the second ballot, the people of the West Midlands voted for Andy Street to be the first Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) region. He is one of a new group of ‘metro … Continue reading “Andy Street’s To-Do List: Challenges for the New WMCA Mayor”

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City-REDI in the News

In the last month, City-REDI have featured in the Financial Times and Study International News: Study International News – “University of Birmingham: Birmingham Business School – Making research relevant”. This article, which features Professor Simon Collinson, highlights the work of City-REDI in developing an academic understanding of major city regions across the globe to develop … Continue reading “City-REDI in the News”

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The Metro Mayor’s Election – 4 May 2017: A Comment on the Task Ahead for the New Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority

  In this blog, City-REDI’sProf. John Bryson provides his reflections on the day of the first ever West Midland’s Mayoral Election. The 4 May, today, is an important day for the West Midlands and especially for those living in this region that will live or work under the governance structure of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). … Continue reading “The Metro Mayor’s Election – 4 May 2017: A Comment on the Task Ahead for the New Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority”

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