The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 – Inward & Foreign Direct Investment

The Birmingham Economic Review was produced in October 2017 by City-REDI, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and the West Midlands Growth Company. The review highlights the current strengths and weakness of the Birmingham economy, as well as looking at the opportunities and threats that might impact upon it in the future. This is a commentary on Chapter 11 of … Continue reading “The Birmingham Economic Review 2017 – Inward & Foreign Direct Investment”

The West Midlands is in a strong position to tackle the challenges of Brexit

City-REDI’s John Bryson, Professor of Enterprise and Competitiveness at Birmingham Business School, spoke on BBC West Midlands last week. He was asked to respond to recent figures released by Centre for Cities that suggest that cities in the West Midlands are in a stronger position to tackle the challenges of Brexit that those in the south … Continue reading “The West Midlands is in a strong position to tackle the challenges of Brexit”

Strong and Stable Leadership – why city leadership becomes more important in times of national turbulence

To say we are in interesting times would be an understatement, the recent general election has plunged us further into uncertainty. Putting aside the rights and wrongs of holding the election and the unfolding political alliances it’s important to remember that on the ground people and businesses are struggling to keep up with the changes … Continue reading “Strong and Stable Leadership – why city leadership becomes more important in times of national turbulence”

City REDI at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual meeting 2017

The AmericanAssociation of Geographers Annual meeting 2017 was held from 5-9 April in Boston, USA. It featured over 6,900 presentations, posters and workshops by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. In attendance from City REDI, and giving papers and organising sessions, were Dr Catherine Harris and Professor John Bryson. Catherine’s paper contributed to a session entitled … Continue reading “City REDI at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual meeting 2017”

Meet Tasos Kitsos, Policy and Data Analyst at City-REDI

Curious by nature and a keen problem solver, I was always interested in improving people’s lives by understanding the root of a problem and suggesting appropriate solutions. These characteristics explain my career choices as well as my studies and research interests. The latter revolves around regional economic resilience and growth. I am a Policy and … Continue reading “Meet Tasos Kitsos, Policy and Data Analyst at City-REDI”

Who we are

Academic Team Professor Anne Green Anne Green joined the University of Birmingham as Professor of Regional Economic Development in June 2017. Her research interests span employment, non-employment, regional and local labour market issues, skills strategies, urban and rural development, migration and commuting, associated policy issues and evaluation. She has published in high profile journals and has written … Continue reading “Who we are”

Forecasting Brexit: What are the experts saying and what can we learn from it?

Rebecca Riley is Administrative Director of City-REDI and has managed over 200 projects across all local government policy areas with a focus, amongst other things, on forecasting. In this post Rebecca outlines what the professional forecasters are making of the impacts of Brexit, and how the experience of the EU referendum can inform the process … Continue reading “Forecasting Brexit: What are the experts saying and what can we learn from it?”

Are you listening Sir Bob – Birmingham wins the RCUK Urban Living Partnership Call – a new big boost towards Birmingham as the collaborative future city

Richard Kenny is Head of Strategic Development at Birmingham City Council and has joined the City REDI team on secondment at the Business School, University of Birmingham. Here he narrates some of the journey so far in responding to this Call and tries to put his finger on Birmingham’s initial success in engaging with RCUK … Continue reading “Are you listening Sir Bob – Birmingham wins the RCUK Urban Living Partnership Call – a new big boost towards Birmingham as the collaborative future city”

New City REDI member Richard Kenny on devolution and the economy

Devolution can only work when the economy fully works– so making it work and provide for all is going to remain the central question facing cities and regions – time to get City REDI, argues Richard Kenny. Richard Kenny is Head of Strategic Development at Birmingham City Council and has just joined the City REDI … Continue reading “New City REDI member Richard Kenny on devolution and the economy”