What Can We Learn From 20 Years of EU Funding for SME Finance? Lessons From Wales and Beyond

Drawing on findings from the Wales Business Fund evaluation, Tim Fanning and Neil Evans reflect on the lessons from attempts to address the SME finance gap in Wales and other UK regions. The SME finance gap: a key barrier to growth Gaps in access to finance for SMEs have been recognised as a market failure … Continue reading “What Can We Learn From 20 Years of EU Funding for SME Finance? Lessons From Wales and Beyond”

How Do We Know When a Place Has Levelled Up?

Maryna Ramcharan addresses the methodological challenges in determining when a place has levelled up. The Levelling Up White Paper brought together a wide range of policies and programmes happening across government, each with its own monitoring frameworks and outcome/output targets. In the Levelling Up analysis released recently, we use a set of metrics and Sustainable … Continue reading “How Do We Know When a Place Has Levelled Up?”

The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis and The Issue of Deprivation in Birmingham

Simone Connolly, CEO, FareShare Midlands discusses the impact of the cost of living crisis in Birmingham, with large increases in the numbers of people turning to them for help.  This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review, published in September 2023.  The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and … Continue reading “The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis and The Issue of Deprivation in Birmingham”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 28 March 2024

The final monitor before the Easter break brings us the news that input prices continue to slowly fall, which should contribute to decelerating inflation, yet the global economy is still showing slow growth. Most indicators show a moderate improvement, but all indications are that recovery will continue to be very slow. The Office for Budget … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 28 March 2024”

What Is Behind the UK’s Labour Shortage?

Professor Donald Houston and Stephen Hunsaker explore the UK labour shortage, suggesting that a combination of baby boomers retiring, high Covid infection rates during the pandemic, capacity constraints in the NHS, and Brexit are all at play. This article was first published in the UK in a Changing Europe website. Much has happened in the … Continue reading “What Is Behind the UK’s Labour Shortage?”

Challenges and Opportunities in Rapidly Changing Business Support Landscapes

Juliane Schwarz and Fumi Kitagawa discuss the ever-changing landscape of business support, and what role Universities can play. This article was written for the Birmingham Economic Review. The review is produced by City-REDI / WMREDI, the University of Birmingham and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. It is an in-depth exploration of the economy of … Continue reading “Challenges and Opportunities in Rapidly Changing Business Support Landscapes”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024

A slow Christmas for retailers hints at the continuing issues with sluggish growth seen globally, with forecasts struggling to revise upwards. A continuing bumpy ride for China is having global ramifications. Food prices are rising, as are those goods most affected by Brexit. Future prospects for the West Midlands seem mixed. Growth outlook The World … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 26 January 2024”

International Students in the West Midlands: Economic Impact and the Challenges of Graduate Retention

Summer intern Dimas Almaruf presents the second part of a two-part series of blogs on the economic impact of international students in the UK. Part II discusses the challenges faced by international students upon their graduation from British universities. View part I – International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications … Continue reading “International Students in the West Midlands: Economic Impact and the Challenges of Graduate Retention”

REDI-Updates: How Does the Cost-Of-Living Crisis Impact People’s Health and Well-Being?

The latest edition of REDI-Updates is out now – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, the WMREDI team investigates what factors are contributing to the cost-of-living crisis and the impact it is having on households, businesses, public services and the third sector. We also look at how the crisis in … Continue reading “REDI-Updates: How Does the Cost-Of-Living Crisis Impact People’s Health and Well-Being?”

International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications

Summer intern Dimas Almaruf presents the first part of a two-part series of blogs on the economic impact of international students in the UK. Part I sets the scene by providing the number of students in the region. Introduction The United Kingdom has long been a favourite destination for international students to pursue their higher … Continue reading “International Students in the West Midlands: The Costs, Benefits, and Housing Implications”