The United Kingdom – Free Trade Nation or Foolish Nation? Beyond the Limitations of the Brexit Debate

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. I returned from Singapore recently having missed the media discussions of the results of the UK local elections. Nevertheless, the papers, radio and television are saturated with coverage of the June general election and Brexit. As I write this, the radio is on in the … Continue reading “The United Kingdom – Free Trade Nation or Foolish Nation? Beyond the Limitations of the Brexit Debate”

Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence

The following piece was written by City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson. This week is one spent in Singapore and this provides an opportunity and a stimulus to reflect on the relationship between Brexit, the UK and the example set by Singapore. Singapore comes with associations of free trade, global finance, a major Asian centre, integrated approaches … Continue reading “Brexit and the Lessons from Singapore – Geography Matters, Free Trade Agreements, Integrated Policy and Independence”

Understanding Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham

On Tuesday 2nd May City REDI’s Catherine Harris presented her research on EU entrepreneurs in Birmingham in response to Brexit at the event Understanding Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham. The event was held at the Impact Hub Digbeth and was a collaboration between the University of Birmingham and the University of Warwick. Birmingham is … Continue reading “Understanding Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham”

Forthcoming Event: Understanding Brexit – Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham

Tuesday 2 May 2017, 18.00 – 20.00  Impact Hub Birmingham, 58 Oxford Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 5NR  This event will discuss the implications of Brexit for Birmingham in terms of migration. Birmingham is one of the most diverse cities in the UK, having experienced major migration flows over many decades. What does Brexit mean for … Continue reading “Forthcoming Event: Understanding Brexit – Brexit and migration: implications for Birmingham”

What hope for modern democracy after Brexit?

The low turnout at last month’s by-elections tells us a lot about the state of modern democracy. With a turnout of just 38% in Stoke-on-Trent and 51% in Copeland, does this signify a time for change in the system of democracy as we currently know it? The idea that the UK is facing a crisis … Continue reading “What hope for modern democracy after Brexit?”

Post-Brexit? What defines an outstanding Modern Industrial Strategy for a Great Global Trading Nation?

Here, City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson gives his views on what a modern industrial strategy should look like post-Brexit. “An effective industrial strategy should be a long-term strategy that works over decades rather than years. It should evolve slowly building on a strong supportive foundation and should be evaluated over decades rather than election cycles.” Last week, Theresa … Continue reading “Post-Brexit? What defines an outstanding Modern Industrial Strategy for a Great Global Trading Nation?”

Theresa May’s Brexit speech: what will it mean for migration and employment?

Following Theresa May’s speech on 17 January 2017, laying out the UK’s objectives for its exit from the EU, questions surrounding migration and any impact this may have on employment remain key. Mrs May used her much-anticipated speech to announce her priorities for Brexit negotiations, including “control” of migration between the UK and the EU. ‘Brexit … Continue reading “Theresa May’s Brexit speech: what will it mean for migration and employment?”

Birmingham and the “Phoney” Brexit Negotiations: A Divided City

With ongoing negotiations over triggering Article 50, City-REDI’s Prof. John Bryson – using Birmingham as a case study – reflects on a divided Brexit Britain. This piece was written for LBC – Britain’s leading commercial news talk station – following their commissioning of a YouGov poll to gain insight into voter attitudes in the months since … Continue reading “Birmingham and the “Phoney” Brexit Negotiations: A Divided City”

Forecasting Brexit: What are the experts saying and what can we learn from it?

Rebecca Riley is Administrative Director of City-REDI and has managed over 200 projects across all local government policy areas with a focus, amongst other things, on forecasting. In this post Rebecca outlines what the professional forecasters are making of the impacts of Brexit, and how the experience of the EU referendum can inform the process … Continue reading “Forecasting Brexit: What are the experts saying and what can we learn from it?”

CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)

On 22nd May 2024, City-REDI hosted its seventh biannual research symposium. The in-person event featured various presentations from City-REDI researchers showcasing some of the institute’s research diversity. This blog from Hannes Read provides an overview of research from the event and his ten top takeaways. Readers are encouraged to contact the presenters for more information on … Continue reading “CRRESY 7 (City-REDI REsearch SYmposium 7)”